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that evening
at like 8

jeno POV

i just came from tution and was so tired seriously I hate extra tutions they are so annoying but I have to do it

I was walking on the way to my house I really loved the weather today it was so pleasant

all the buildings were filled with lights all restaurants were full with group of friends or family eating together today was unexpectedly a night where the streets were busy and the overall atmosphere was so welcoming I loved it

i just walked pass a restaurant and saw them

I saw my parents they were eating with some friends and having the time of their lives they did not inform me about it

then I called mom

phone convo
jeno: normal
mrs lee: italic

"hey mom"

"hi jen"

"where are you"

"me I am at office jen"

there my heart and trust broke couldn't you just tell the truth why are you lying

"uh okay sorry if I am disturbing you bye"

"yea bye"

then I hung up my phone wow I can't believe it why are you lying mom you always told me I should never lie but you yourself lied to me I am not even sure if it is the first time she lied to me

I should not even call dad he would lie too sighing with a hint of sadness and started walking again

I was walking then I bumped at someone

"sorry" I didn't even bother to look at the person

"it's fi- oh jeno long time no see"

I looked at the person holy shit it's junwoo why the fuck is he here

"uh yea"

"what why are you so pissed meeting me damn we have been friends when we were so small"

then he showed his sly smirk which I hate from the bottom of my heart damn I wanna punch him so bad

jeno you need to calm down I know you get ready to fight when you see him

"we were friends you are nothing to me now" I said bitterly

"why where was the promise and let's not do a convo here let's go we shall have a drink together"

"well the promise was broken a long time ago and I don't have any work also I need to clear my mind sure let's go"

well roasting him will help me so much

then after some mins we arrived at a private bar we entered at the bar sat down at the counter

he ordered two glasses and handled one to me

I drank it and my throat burned with the bitter liquid,it is so weird that something bitter and which is awful for our health can sometimes bring peace in our minds and helps us forget the worst moments of our lives

"so even though I drank it u didn't drug me right junwoo"

"no obviously I didn't, I only drug people I hate and you were never one of them"

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