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next morning

renjun POV

I woke at like 11 am I guess I don't know the time I was about to get out of the bed but jeno's hand was wrapped around my waist which restricted me to get out of the bed

I struggled but he tightened his grip

"pls stay for a few minutes it feels nice"

damn his morning voice is so sexy, I stayed at the bed I changed my position and faced him god he is beautiful I definitely fell for him, everyone would do but mainly cuz of his looks but his heart is as beautiful as his face

my heart broke that day to see him cry but I smelled alcohol from him yesterday I guess he drank that doesn't matter

I didn't even realize I was staring at him for a long time

"take a picture it will last longer"

and I turned red and hid inside the blanket god I am embarrassed he giggled at my action and I don't know if that giggle was cute or sexy

"no need to be embarrassed it's fine"

then he stood out of his bed and oh my god he is fucking shirtless but when we went to sleep he slept with a shirt on I guess he took it off and again without realizing I was staring at him

"like what you see jun"

"um what huh"

"haha it's fine I guess you like staring at me" and he winked

"no not at all"

"your actions say otherwise"

"geez it wasn't intentional okay"

"fine I take that"

"ugh" and I threw myself at the bed

then I saw jeno again he had a line in his lower abdomen more like a scar I got curious about it why he has it

"um jeno" he hummed at response

"what is the line which mainly looks like a scar in your lower abdomen"

jeno POV

what am I gonna answer definitely a lie can't say the truth

"um when I was small I was playing around with my childhood friend and there was a metal rod and I got hurt there"

"that must hurt"

"it did so what will you have for breakfast"

"um anything I don't really mind"


then I wore a shirt and went downstairs I was still limping and immediately sat on the sofa

god this sprain hurt

then renjun came running downstairs but why

"I'm sorry I forgot you got a sprain I should have helped you"

"it's fine jun"

then I stood up again and went to make breakfast ugh I forgot my glasses I need them to see the ingredient names

"um renjun can you please bring my glasses it's in my drawer"

"near the bed" I nodded

then he went to my room oh my god I have my journal the pages were open and the page was 'i am in love with the two boys I just met' was facing, jeno how could you forget it what is happening to you today omg

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