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author POV

renjun flinched at jaemin's raised voice, he gets scared with loud shouts and screams and it triggered him of his past

he tired not to show it and it worked galdly

jeno was indeed shock to see jaemin like that he was always the calm one and he never lashed out like that

"um we just wanted to help jaemin" jeno said softly

"do you think I need your help" jaemin snapped

"jaem we care f-" jeno was cut of by jaemin again

"SO WHAT" jaemin said

"GOD DAMNIT WE JUST CARE ABOUT YOU WHY ARE YOU BEING SO RUDE" jeno suddenly screamed making both of the boys flinch

jeno wasn't one of the most calm person but still it took a lot to make him angry and this was one of this moments

jaemin scoffed at this and said


then there was continuous shouting mainly jaemin who was jeno felt really guilty when he screamed so he just decided to say things softly

and about renjun the continuous screaming was not at all helping him all of his memories were coming back and he was having a hard time calming down

his palms were sweaty now and he tired not to cry

key word: tried

he sat on the couch and rested his head on his knees to calm himself, he was glad that the other two boys did not notice him

he was taking deep breaths but it wasn't working suddenly jeno glanced at renjun's state

"injun" jeno said and jaemin looked at him

both of them forgot about the so called argument they had and got tensed at the sight of renjun

jeno went towards him but jaemin stayed and watched the two

he sat on the sofa next to renjun

"injun are you okay" jeno said

renjun lifted his head and nodded he didn't want to make the situation even worse

jeno groaned in annoyance he knew both of them were lying and did not want to say anything

"it's getting annoying" jeno whispered to himself but jaemin heard it

jaemin went towards the older and suddenly hugged him, jeno got startled by that sudden action

"i am sorry" he said in a stubborn way

jeno's heart softened by that and giggled and decided to tease him

"I didn't hear what you said nana"

jaemin groaned but said

"I am sorry, here heared it"

"yea I did" jeno said and smiled a little

jeno's glance went towards renjun and he was staring at them with love and had a small smile

"are you feeling better junnie" jeno calmly said

"I guess yea" renjun said unsure of it, his voice was still a little shaky but way better than before

jeno softly hugged and and renjun snuggled at his shoulder 

"um so-sorry for making you two worry about me it's just that shouts, screams and arguments really trigger my mind" 

upon hearing that jaemin felt really guilty, he felt so selfish, his two loves only wanted to make sure he was okay but he had to lash out at them 

he bit his trembling lip and went towards renjun, sat next to him 

"I am extremely sorry to both of you I should not have lashed out on both of you I caused all of it" jaemin said with trembling lips and one or two tears were falling down his brown orbs 

"nana please don't apologize for this okay  it's completely okay it's fine" renjun said and wiped the younger's tears

"b-but I wanted to a-apologize I-I should n-not have lash out l-like this y-you two just wanted to ask if I was o-okay" jaemin hiccuped because of crying so much

renjun hugged him tightly and rubbed circles on the back of his head to calm him down

"it's fine okay it's fine don't be guilty" renjun said

jaemin hummed as a response

suddenly there was a phone call it was from jeno

he picked his phone up it was his mother

jeno POV

why did mom call me but okay

bold: jeno's mom
normal: jeno

'hey mom'

'jen I am at home please come now'

'um I am kind of busy now'

'it is important come fast'

I sighed but agreed and cut the phone call  

"I have to go now my mom is calling me, sorry" 

"why are you apologizing nono it's okay" renjun said and giggled slightly 

jaemin smiled a little and let out a small giggle agreeing with renjun 

"I am gonna go now byee" I said and pecked their foreheads 

"byee" renjun said and jaemin waved at me 

I waved back and left 

I wonder why mom called me for



I am back from my hiatus sorry for my bad updating skills

and thank you so  muck for 5k it means a lot to me 

love yall ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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