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jaemin's POV

"um excuse me sorry if I am being rude who are you"

"oh h-hi my name is renjun and i recently moved here"

wait why did he have to greet me but I am glad I did cuz he is so beautiful

"oh hi, nice to meet you, you don't seem to be from korea"

"yea I came from china today I moved in and nice to meet you too"

then he smiled wow he is beautiful

he also has an eye smile just like jeno wait why I am thinking about jeno again

"ahh do you know where sm university is" he asked

"wait you are going to that college I am from that university too"

"how old are you"

"me I am 19"

"cool I am 19 too I hope we get the same classes"

"same actually I have to go there tomorrow cuz they are gonna give me my schedule and they made a rule to make a team of 3 where the third is an new exchange student so I have to know"

"ahh tomorrow we can walk together and then go to the university cuz tomorrow I am going to one of my classmate's house cuz we are partners"

"ah thank you so much...."


"thanks jaemin"

"mention not"

then he smiled at me I smiled back

and I don't know but my smile really felt genuine it never came but this feeling is kinda nice

"and jaemin you are really beautiful" he said

wait why is he lying how the hell I am beautiful

"thank you u r also beautiful"

his cheeks turned crimson

"hey imma go now I have to do unboxing and stuff bye see you tomorrow"


"yangyang come down from the truck if u don't I will kill you"

he said something in chinese i guess then I closed the door

I went inside and my stomach growled

gosh I am hungry I want to eat fried chicken

"no jaemin you can't eat you need to be thin"

then I wore a pair of sneakers then I headed out for a walk

well it please be a peaceful walk

jeno's POV

after I texted jaemin I went downstairs

why the hell he thought he will do the project

I never knew him I guess he is one of the silent people of our school

I went to the kitchen and there was nobody except a note as usual

jeno today I will come late I have to do extra shift and I guess dad will come early so you two can have some quality time together love you
-xoxo mom♥️♥️

i laughed bitterly

quality time my ass he will not even come

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