
416 19 35

omg he found out....


author POV

jeno's eyes widened and he gulped at the younger's statement

jaemin knows it that the he loves the two boys 

"jeno" jaemin said his tone was serious

the older turned around and looked at jaemin

"yea" he said

"it's true right"

"what are you saying jaemin"

jeno face palmed himself thinking how can he be such an idiot

"jeno you know I heard it"

"jaemin just leave it, I guess i should go now"

jaemin got out of the sofa and held jeno's arm so that he would not go

"why would I leave it please tell about this"

"It's not that important"

"tell me"

"I said I won't" jeno's voice was really low and stern and it gave the younger shivers

"please" the younger whispered

jeno sighed he isn't gonna leave him until he says

he then cupped jaemin's face and said

"I want to I really do but" jaemin removed the older's hands from his face and said

"but what"

"it would ruin our friendship" jeno said

"you like us right what's the problem with that"

"that's the thing I like you guys more than friends I didn't even want to come here because I can't look and think about you and renjun without making my heart flutter but I did because I love you both" jeno said with glossy eyes

jaemin hugged the older tightly and said

"you know that makes me so happy"

"what do you mean by tha-" he was interrupted

by the younger by clashing his lips against his

jeno was absolutely shocked by this, he didn't kiss back for a few seconds but eventually did after

jeno's mind was filled with thoughts 'does jaemin liked him' 'does he like both of us' 'is jaemin polyamorus as him' all kind of thoughts were racing in his mind

after jaemin broke the kiss he looked straight into the older's eyes

"so yea does that give you your answer" jaemin said and smiled

"honestly no"

"okay I like both of you too"

"what really"

the younger nodded at this

jeno could not believe things for real he never imagined this to happen

he couldn't do anything but hug the younger he felt nothing but happiness and it was the best feeling ever for him

the broke the hug and were staring at each other

suddenly jeno grabbed the younger's chin gently pulling him closer to his face

"can I" the older said softly

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