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but why is that


jeno POV

why the hell junwoo is talking to him ugh that fucking idiot is in this college why great my mood went downhill

I took my books and slammed the locker and went towards my next class

i was walking suddenly I bumped into someone

"oh sorry"

"it's fine oh hey jeno" someone said

"oh jaehyun hyung hi"

"I didn't know you joined here"

"well I didn't tell anyone I am close to that's why" I said

"still sarcastic as usual"

I playfully scoffed and said

"yup didn't change much and by the way are you still in the basketball team"

"yea I am the senior most now are you gonna join the basketball team this year"

"nah I am not gonna"

"why you are such a good player"

"I don't know I guess I will just not sure"

"better take it this year's freshmen batch do not have the bestest players"

"I might take it"

"good then" he then fist bumped me

after our short conversation I went to my class

I was having psychology now so I went to my class early since it was far away well I should meet jaemin hallway if I meet him

I was walking and I saw him talking to haechan

so I went towards him and wrapped his hand around his shoulder

"hey nana"

"oh nono hii" he said

"how was class"

"boring but I wanna say a thing stop doing suprise apperance it scares me"

"okay fine" I replied

"so you are jeno right" haechan said

"yea" I replied

"hmm mark has told me about you and I just wanna say that if you do something to jaemin better sleep with one eye open" he said

damn that boy is scary sometimes

"I love him a lot so don't worry"

"good" haechan said

"imma go now my class is far away bye haechan bye nana"

"byee nono" jaemin said and haechan waved at me

I waved back and went on my way to class

jaemin POV

"hyuck you didn't have to say it you know" I said

"I know but I don't want the past to come back to you"

oh yea that

"it won't okay I was the idiot who fell for him"

"whatever but he did to you wasn't good at all seriously if I meet him I will slice him to death" he said and I laughed

"don't worry I won't face anymore him plus I have jeno and renjun to protect me"

"don't forget about me okay"

"okay hahaha"

"now what class do you have" haechan asked

"um acting ig oh yeas acting gosh I really need to remember the classes"

"cool I have chemistry it's so boring"

"haha all the best"

"whatever byee"

"where the hell are you going" I asked

"I told mark I would meet him after my first class"

"oh okay byee"

"bye my friend" he said

"byeee bitch"

then he left I took my of my bag and went towards the library since I got some time why not stay there

I entered the library and was greeted by our librarian

"good morning"

"good morning ms manoban"

"so are you just gonna read or lend a book"

"I am just going to read"

"okay then you can take any book from there" she said and pointed at a part

"okay thank you"

the library was huge and it was vintage completely my style I might settle here

I was looking what book should I read and I got one it was a romantic novel

hmm could read it till the class starts

I was so into the book I didn't even realise the bell rang suddenly ms manoban said

"uhm so the bell rang you should go or you will be late"

"oh thank you so much for reminding me" I handed her the book and bowed to her then ran towards my next class

the classes wasn't that far from the library so I got lucky I didn't even look at people suddenly I bumped at someone

"oh sorry" I said and I didn't even look at that person

"it's fine oh hi jaeminnie"

no not that nickname

I blinked my eyes and turned around hoping it's not him

why the hell is he here

"junwoo" I said with fear in my voice


okay so hiii

it's shit I know and it's short and that I hope yall still like it

love yall❤️❤️❤️

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