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jeno POV

oh wow I just entered the cafe and I saw them kissing, they are together now I guess I feel happy but why my heart is aching yea, cuz I wanna be with them

"hey guys so I feel like I kinda got a suprise" I said and giggled

"um uh yea we are together now I guess" jaemin said shyly and scratched the back of his head

"well it looks like I am happy for you guys"I said

even though I am happy why my heart is still aching

"thanks" renjun said

"um so what are you doing here jeno" renjun asked

"ah I just came here to buy something you two have fun in your date"

"um you can have a drink with us" jaemin said shyly

"nah it's fine you two spend some time together plus I have someone waiting for me in the car"

"it's fine jeno" jaemin replied

then I went to the counter to give my order since I ordered a lot of things they told me to wait

should I go sit with them or should I just somewhere else I guess it would be better to sit somewhere else I don't want to ruin their date

so I sat near the counter facing them i was scrolling through my phone then I glanced at them

they look so cute together, it is making me so happy that the people I love are together now but I still can't help but feel left out but I know if I confess everything is gonna go downhill, it's gonna be ruined so it's better I should stay quiet

ugh unrequited love is annoying, I looked at my phone again it will look weird if I stare at them for a long time

"jeno lee" the waiter said my name

"um yea thanks" I went towards him and took my order

then I went to leave but it's better to greet them

"so I am going, have fun on your date but not too much okay byee"

"HEY" renjun said and his cheeks turned crimson

"byee jen"jaemin said and he had pink cheeks too

i waved at them and left the cafe went I went out I saw mark hyung kepted the car in front of the gate

I went inside the car

"here I bought them and you know you can get a fine for parking here"

"thanks and I already got a fine" and showed me the paper given by police I laughed and rolled my eyes

mark hyung started the car and then everything went silent except the radio was on I wasn't in the mood for talking

"bro did something happened you seem down"

"eh it's nothing"

"hey something is bothering you I can see that in your face, you can tell me jeno"

"uh so where should I start so I like two people"

"bro you are polyamorus already that's cool"

"okay so I love both of them and it makes me so happy that they are together now" and I squealed

"then what is the problem"

"yea that's the problem they are together now and I just feel left out I want to join them I know I will only ruin our friendship" and sighed

Everything is not perfect ◗ norenmin✓Where stories live. Discover now