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next morning
jeno POV

I woke with nothing but a severe headache I groaned in pain god I drank a lot yesterday I stood up and went downstairs to bring the medicine for my headache

I went downstairs and saw mom cooking

I got confused and saw the day oh it's weekend that's why I went to get the medicine

moments later I arrived and went near mom and back hugged her

"good morning mama"

"good morning jen did you sleep well"

"hmm I did"

"okay now drink this soup"


"i know you drank last night"

how did she know oh god I feel bad lying to her

"ow yea sorry"

"okay but don't lie next time and also don't drink much you are still a student"

"okay" and I smiled

like you did know I drank when I was underage

then I sat and started eating

"jen" mom said and I hummed as a response

"why did you went out yesterday"

"yea about that actually I was kinda tensed and mark hyung noticed and asked wanna free your mind and yea I went" I said

well I didn't lie this time

"okay wanna share what happened it would be better"

"it's nothing that big" I said

"just say it it's better to tell your emotions than supressing it"

i have been supressing my emotions my entire life it's nothing new mom

"sure" and I smiled

"so yea you were correct I do like renjun and jaemin"

and then she squealed

"I told you you liked them you three actually look cute together"

"yea and both of them are together now and I don't even know if they like me which is kinda obvious they don't" I frowned at the last statement

"you never know jen they might"

"oh please I don't even think they know about poly ships"

"just have some faith and trust in yourself okay don't worry"

"okay thanks for the advice by the way" and smiled

"it's fine and you can always rant up to me I am always here for you"

really always here for me then why you never pick up my phones when I need you or your presence is never here when I always wanted you

"okay" I said

"and I should go now bye jen I am kinda late"

she took her bag and left the home without even letting me say bye to her

"bye mom" I said and sighed

I should take a walk it would clear my mind after eating I went upstairs to change

moments later I came downstairs and left

i was walking towards the park the weather was rather chill today winter season was on its way and I am rather happy about that

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