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"oh hi jeno" and he smiled

"hey jaemin"


jeno POV

"I never see you here" he said

"uh today mom went early to office so didn't have time for breakfast and here I am it's my fav café for breakfast" and smiled

"what about you"

"I came here to have my coffee this café makes my coffee in the best way"

"wanna sit with me"

"sure lemme order my coffee"

then he went to the counter to order his coffee since I have no work to do I was looking at my phone

then jaemin arrived and sat opposite to me

"hey so how are you" he said

"fine but starving I don't know why"

"why you don't feel hungry or what"

"no I am not a breakfast person"

"me too"

then my order arrived and also jaemin's coffee we thanked the waiter

"wanna have some of my waffles"

"no thanks I am full"

"literally it's breakfast I am pretty sure you did not eat anything"

jaemin POV

yes jeno I didn't have anything cuz I have to be thin

"nah I am just not feeling hungry"

"fine but I wanted to share" and he pouted

really why the pout he looks cute when he pouts and it always make me soft

"fine fine we will share I can't resist the pout"

then I took one waffle damn I will gain a lot of weight from this one waffle only

then we started eating

"it was a lie right"

(me in the background CAUGHT IN A LIEEEEEEEEE)

"what lie"

"that those marks on your wrists are from falling"

i chocked at the food and drank my coffee to calm down

"no why"

"first of all you are not that of a good liar second you chocked on your food when I talked about it"

"u-uh it's just that"

"no need to answer me it's my fault I should not have asked about it it's a private matter"

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