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jaemin POV

why is he here I guess he didn't notice us because we were wearing our masks but I am still getting scared

I glanced at both jeno and renjun, renjun was normal but jeno looked kind of angry looking at him

I wonder why he is being like that I was getting curious about this and wanted to ask him but I don't think I should

"what do you want to order" junwoo said

his voice annoyed me now great

"um we want samgyeopsal and bulgogi that's it I guess" renjun said and looked at us for approval

both of us nodded and renjun told junwoo that to only bring that

junwoo was writing down the order and was slightly flirting with renjun but jun being himself didn't give a fuck

I saw that junwoo got an idea that renjun wasn't interested then he rolled his eyes and left

"tsk he is such a big flirt" jeno said with jealousy evident in his voice

"no need to tell as he was flirting as if we were invisible" I said

renjun slightly laughed at us

"don't worry my babies I am both of yours and I don't like flirts either, they are idiots" renjun said

"we know that but still jealousy comes even if we don't want to be" I said and jeno nodded agreeing

"aww it's fine to be jealous but don't start to be toxic and possessive or I will leave you all but like I am not stopping you to not be jealous, who doesn't want their two hot boyfriends get jealous" renjun said

"so you do think we are hot" jeno said and came closer to renjun

"not just hot yall are fucking sexy" he said, then kissed jeno's cheek and smiled

"that's not fairrrr I want a kiss too" I said and pouted

renjun giggled at this and was about to kiss my cheek, I grabbed his chin softly and pecked his lips

"now it's fine" I said and smiled

the other two laughed at this and we continued talking and laughing

I by mistakely turned around and faced junwoo and he smirked at me

oh shit he realised it's me

jaemin no need to panick it is not that he is going to attack you or shit plus I can defend myself also jeno and renjun are here

I took a deep breath and acted he isn't there, I turned around and faced my boyfriends and renjun was headlocking jeno

they are kids

I sighed and laughed and tried to separate them in which I succeeded

after few minutes of laughing and time passing our food arrived

time skip (don't mind this lazy author)

after finishing our food I told them I was about to go to the washroom

I went inside it and washed my hands suddenly some tapped my shoulder, I turned around and it was junwoo 

I got scared but luckily I could hide it 

"why are you here" I asked with a cold voice 

"what can't I come or what" junwoo said 

I mumbled a whatever and was about to leave but suddenly grabbed my wrist and I hissed at the pain, I forgot the cuts were healing 

he pulled me towards him and asked 

"are those two boys your boyfriends, don't even deny about it I saw you three kissing each other tsk what a slut you are for having two boyfriends" 

I felt myself tear up at that I am really a slut right 

I tried to get that thought out of my head and tried to remove his grip on my wrist but I failed since his grip was way stronger

then someone suddenly entered the washroom and saw us and knew the situation I was too busy to look at who he was

he punched junwoo at his face, then he hugged me and I flinched

"jaem it's me"

oh it was jeno oh thank god


so I decided to end it here sorry

my mind isn't working and I did like super bad on my exams so yea that's why

i have a sad news this story is ending soon 😭😭😭

i will miss writing it, was a fun experience

not proof headed am lazy

love yall❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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