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it was really silent except for the voice of the tv but it was a really comforting silence we continued watching the drama then someone opened the door it was......


dad wait he doesn't know the fact I am bi I am scared okay and I guess he is a cool person he didn't have any problem when he entered while I was in a middle of watching a bl series and many incidents like that so it would be fine......right

after dad entered renjun immediately stood his head up and sat like nothing happened

"hey dad you're early today"

"yea I thought today we should have a father-son moment but you already got company, who are you?"

"I am huang renjun sir" he stood up and bowed

"yah no need to bow you're making me feel old"

"cuz YOU are goddammit you're about to be 50 in a year"

"ey don't expose my age and I am going to the washroom now have fun"

he smiled and then went upstairs then renjun said

"wow ur parents are cool"

"haha yea they try to be really cool and it gets annoying ig ur parents are cool too"

renjun POV

cool ha yea they are so cool that they abuse me to hell, they are so cool that abuse is fun for them

"um no they aren't they are really strict"

"oof I feel bad for you ig strict parents are bad but cool parents are worse god sometimes I feel that I am mature one in my family it's frustrating"

"at least they don't beat you for stupid reasons"

you are a really big idiot renjun did you really have to say it

"they really beat you for stupid reasons god you are an angel sent from above"

"pfft I am not"

"you are"

then he came closer to my face idk why but my heart skipped a beat just like the first time we were close

god he is beautiful

"am not"

i said and came closer

"you wanna kiss me or what" and smiled

his eye smile is the cutest thing in the world and do I wanna kiss him I became red due to his words

"don't worry I will not kiss you, you're cute when you blush"

"then why are we in the same position"

"i don't know but I like it"

"jeno and renjun what are you two do- what the hell is going on" jeno's dad came and said

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