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both of their lips touched


jaemin POV

omg omg OMG no it's not true I did not just kiss him, jaemin you are such an idiot how the hell can you trip and land on him and worst I kissed him

but his lips are so soft and it tastes like chocolate what the hell why are you thinking about it

jeno POV

did we just kiss oh my god I can't believe it how did this happen and the thing is that I really like it why the heck I am feeling glad that he tripped and accidentally kissed me

his lips are chapped yet so soft and he tastes like strawberry wait why the hell I am thinking that

author POV

then the two boys broke the kiss and looked at each other eyes, jaemin's eyes showed the emotions of tension, fear cuz he was scared and tensed that this kiss will ruin the only 2-3 days of friendship between each other

the boy finally got someone who doesn't judge him including haechan and renjun and it really scared the boy that this specific kiss will ruin them

jeno quickly noticed it and had a look which indicated that it is fine no need to be scared this will not ruin our friendship but deep inside jeno wanted them to be more than that and jeno hated that feeling

he just met the boy and he wanted to be more than friends but

both of them thought that something was missing between them and both of them could not figure that out

the two boys were so close to each other and they were craving each other lips so much due to which they kissed again

both of them knew it was wrong but that felt so right this kiss wasn't accidental but they were willing to do it

they broke the kiss again and jaemin wanted to cry the boy was happy but his past came to his eyes the past which made him like that

jaemin immediately stood up which startled jeno

"i am sorry I am really sorry" jaemin mumbled with tears forming in his eyes

jeno noticed he was crying and immediately hugged him

"it's fine don't worry you did nothing wrong"

"no it's not fine I-I ruined our friendship"

hearing that jeno cupped his face and made him look directly in his eyes, wiped his tears and said

"jae it's fine this will not ruin our friendship I guarantee and plus we kissed accidentally"

"b-but the second time"

"well about that no problem it's not like we hated it, i don't know about you but I liked it"

jaemin turned red due to that statement

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