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next morning
author POV

it was around 7 in the morning the sun has just risen but the two boys were still sleeping jaemin woke up earlier cuz he has this habit of waking up early

he looked at renjun and got tensed he was curled up like a ball and was whimpering the younger got shocked by this

"renjun renjun" he whispered shaking in slightly in the hopes of him waking up

"no please stop it hurts really bad" the smaller boy whimpered

"please don't hit me I will not leave next time please"

jaemin POV

what is he talking about I feel it's a nightmare

"renjun wake up" I said a little loudly with hope that he will wake up

"stop please" he continued whimpering

I shook him to wake him up but it was of no use he a heavy sleeper


he woke up with sweat in his forehead and was shaking

"renjun" I touched his shoulder and he flinched

he immediately covered his ears and brought his legs near his chest my heart clenched at this I was never gonna hurt him this nightmare has a serious effect on him, I came closer to him

"hey hey renjun I am not gonna hurt you"

I gently hugged him because he was in a really vulnerable situation right now and he hugged me back really tight

his breathing was really irregular, he was sniffing and was shaking was little

"injun take deep breaths and let all your emotions out" and I started drawing circles on the back of his head

he started calming down and eventually did we broke the hug and I wiped his tearful eyes

"did you hear me" he asked

"yea I did but I didn't understand anything you said but I am sure it's a nightmare"

"it was" and he snuggled into my hoodie

"wanna talk about it"


"it would be better"

"I don't want to, it's just it's not a one time nightmare something happened in my life so due to that I get frequent nightmares and I am not comfortable talking about them"

"sure it's fine if you become comfortable with it just rant it out" and I kissed his forehead

"I find it funny you know we aren't even in a relationship yet we act like we have been together for years" he said and giggled

"well get used to it I am a really clingy person"

"don't worry I like it" he said and I smiled looking at him I am falling really hard for him

"wanna eat something because you didn't have dinner yesterday" I said

"yea I am hungry"

"wait lemme make pancakes okay"

then i stood up and went to the kitchen

renjun POV

after he went I ran my hand into my hair I am so glad that I speak in chinese when dreaming ugh these nightmares are killing me why I just can't remove them from my life

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