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both jaemin and jeno POV

our minds blanked out what should we say

we have to lie but what lie we should give


jeno POV

"jeno w-why did u do it" dad asked

my whole world stopped I don't know what to say

oh my god why did I do it, I wanted to make them less stressed but I made them more

I am such a bad son

I don't deserve them

"u-um dad"

when I started talking my body felt numb I felt that my body and my mouth work differently

but I cannot say the actual reason why I did it
it's gonna make them more stressed

"dad I-I am so-sorry I was actually....really stressed because of..... studies and stuff and my way of removing my anger and stress was not the best method I am so sorry for that"

then I started crying because I felt guilty I had to lie, I can't say them the truth

I would never say it never in my life I don't care if it will eat me up or make me more dead inside I will keep inside

"jeno-ah you don't need to be sorry it's fine but my heart broke when I saw you lifeless in the floor I got really scared but now you are all right and that's all that matters and please don't be so stressed about studies that will make you like this" he said and kissed my forehead

"thanks dad anyways how are you we....never get to talk"

"I am fine and yea it's been a while but don't worry when this project will finish I will spend more time"

please let it be true next time because you said the same thing before this project

"how are you"

"physically I have injured knuckles but others are fine but mentally stressed"

"it's gonna be fine"


"do you wanna eat something I will order"

"ramen will be fine"


then he went outside to order

"I love you dad yet I hate you"

then I laughed bitterly I am really dead inside I guess

wait a min did he see my lower abdomen if he didn't It would be good what if he did omg if he did I am dead

well he didn't ask anything about it then it's fine

i was biting my nails when I am stressed I always do it, a beautiful habit I know

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