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jaemin POV

the date went so good I had the best time of my life both of us were just walking our way home

we were holding hands and cheeks a light shade of pink honestly it felt so unreal god I love him so much

we finally reached our houses but I don't want to leave him

"Jun I don't wanna leave you"

"do you think I want to even though we next door neighbours but still" and he pouted

"i will miss you junnie" and also pouted

"mee too nana"

then I wrapped my hand around his waist and pulled him closer to me, he rested his hands around my neck and we kissed

"OH MY GOD MY EYES!!" someone screamed and we broke the kiss

it was someone who came out from injun's house he seems like my age

"BITCH YOU RUINED THE MOMENT" renjun screamed in chinese

"um jun who is he" I asked confused

"ah that's yangyang my friend he is of our age"

"I ruined the momen-"

"say in korean bitch" he was interrupted by renjun

"fine motherfucker I didn't ruin the moment yall ruined my pure virgin eyes"

"bro you watch porn your virgin eyes lost it's virginity already"

I held back my laugh and that was hard

"who are you to laugh you made our pure boy injun impure" yangyang said

"um I am his boyfriend" I said and he let out the biggest gasp ever

"you just entered korea and you already got dick I am proud of you bro, you are becoming confident like me"

"confident like me, pfft my ass if u were confident you would be married" injun said and it was really hard not to laugh but I was holding it in

"whatever you two have fun use protection" he said and I chocked on the air

"oh really wanna die today right fine I will tell hendery and xiaojun about you" renjun said

"oh please you wouldn't I am sorry imma go now bye" yangyang said

"byeee" renjun replied and pushed him

"sorry about that he is just.........like this"

"eh it's fine" I said

"sooo can we watch a movie at your house specifically at your house and it's really late so can I spend time with you" renjun said

"YEAS LET'S GO" I said and I grabbed his hand and went towards my house

then we entered my house and sat on the couch

"what we will do now" renjun asked

"first let's order food then watch something"

"uh sure" he said

"you order the food" I said


"imma go to the bathroom you order the food"

"sure sure" and he smiled

I went to my bathroom and just squealed I need to calm down my excitement it just feels so unreal that we are together now

I touched my cheeks and they were so hot so I washed my face in cold water

wow this boy has a crazy impact on me and I love it I love the fact he is actually making me happy and that is the thing which matters and me making him happy is the most important thing for me now

i washed my face with water and left the bathroom and went towards renjun

I sat on the couch and hugged him

"what did you order"

"tofu stew and fried chicken" and he hugged back

"ahh okay so what do u wanna watch"

"um can we watch 'something in the rain' if you don't mind"

"sure let's watch it"

then I turned on the tv and we started watching

moments later the food arrived and I took it and placed it on the table

"let's eat" I said but renjun didn't notice he was busy watching tv

"renjun renjun renjun let's eat please" I said in a cute voice but he didn't notice

aish this kid he doesn't even listen to me

"renjun" I said in a deep voice

"what" he said and I looked at him with dead eyes

"let's eat" I continued using the deep voice

"what's with the voice let's eat"

"you weren't even listening to me after calling you like that"

"aish you idiot whatever let's eat now"

then we started eating I didn't want to eat much I took the first bite and swallowed it and I wanted to throw up I didn't want any food in my system

and the worst thing renjun is here and I can't even throw up or else he will be tensed

after sometime we finished eating and continued watching the drama while cuddling cuz he wanted to cuddle

we didn't even notice how much time had left but we didn't even care cuz we were having a really good time

then renjun checked the time it was 12 and widened his eyes

"oh god it's so late nana I have to go now we will meet tomorrow okay byeee" he said and kissed me

"bye love" I said

"bye babe" he said and took his things and left

then I immediately went to the bathroom I took the toothbrush put it deep inside my throat and then threw up

I am so sorry I had to do it but I can't help it I just can't I am really sorry jun and nono

but it's something I can't stop

after throwing up I washed my face and changed

I wanted to sleep now and my throat was burning so much that I didn't want to do anything but to sleep

I changed and then laid on the bed and soon after I fell asleep


hiii guys

I am so sorry for a late update with a shitty chapter this was more like a filler i guess

love yall❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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