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next day
Author POV

the morning hews of the sun it wasn't harsh it was mild because the sun just rose the darkness was covered by the sunlight

the rays of the sun hit jaemin's eyes and due that he woke up when he woke up he eyes got glossy and tears started falling from his beautiful brown orbs and was flowing down his cheeks

he didn't want this he didn't want to live but he got to live that really saddened the boy he didn't even know that tears were falling down his eyes till his cheeks and he never bothered to wipe them

everyone says that you are blessed that you get to wake up everyday but for jaemin it was not a blessing at all it was a curse a really big curse

in the same time renjun also woke up but with happiness and without any tension and being scared from his parents he finally woke up with joy and not with pain from his body as well as his soul

and this boy is really excited to meet jaemin he says that he he doesn't believe in love at first sight but he himself fell in love with jaemin in the first sight

thinking about jaemin makes his heart flutter his eyes his beautiful brown eyes,his cute nose, his beautiful long lashes, his smile and overall his beauty makes him flutter today was really a lucky day for him

and about jeno he woke up an hour late than his other two soulmates but when he woke up he felt nothing but emptiness both in his surroundings as well in his soul his heart really desires the feeling of love but is so used to the feeling of loneliness

that he has just become emotionless his parents doesn't give him time at all and he doesn't have friends so he doesn't have anyone to tell what he feels he never got to say about his emotions that made him that emotionless

but today he is going to have some people so he might be not gonna be sad in his words

jaemin POV

why why did I wake up oh man I just asked for one thing and that also wasn't fulfilled

well one day it will be done I guess today is not the one

wait today I have to show renjun the uni so that is the reason they let me live today

anyways I stood up washed my face and took a towel to wipe of the blood from the floor

I have to buy a new one it's already red ugh I have wasted a lot of towels for this well I could wash it so it's fine

I washed my hands and went downstairs to the kitchen I opened the fridge and there is my breakfast

lemon juice.....

gosh am I that pathetic to die that I am making my life hell and the answer is yes I always got sufferings and I will never have happiness so why bother have it

I drank the lemon juice and then got two notifications from two people

renjun and jeno

hey today u gotta take me
to uni when we will go
and one thing I would be
glad if I am ur partner :)


oh yea about that can we
do it at 10 if it's fine
and it would be good to be
your partner ^_^

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