
540 24 22

4 years later
author POV

four years had finally passed now and today was the day jeno will return to korea to meet his loves

he got an awesome job opportunity in korea also so he was very happy about it but he was way more excited to meet his two puzzle pieces, his jaemin and renjun

god he missed them so much, not seeing them face to face was always breaking jeno's heart

a lot has changed within the four years renjun has become a freelance painter and a respected artist in the art industry

while jaemin has become a professional photographer and goes works at big fashion magazines but it started like a few months ago when he became a big photographer

he went to Shanghai for his new shoot so he had to leave renjun for a year

for a whole year renjun was alone with both of his boyfriends being in different countries

they weren't there for renjun's biggest years, he got more than 5 exhibitions within 3 months everytime

it was tiring but it was always worth it for renjun, he wanted jaemin and jeno to attend one exhibition together

and today was the day, it was the day both jeno and jaemin will arrive to korea and luckily he had an art exhibition

he was organizing everything with the help of chenle and shotaro, both of the boys decided to work with renjun

he placed one painting which included the three of them

he was preparing for the exhibition then he got a call, it was a conference call with his boyfriends

he smiled slightly and answered the call

bold: renjun
normal: jaemin
italic bold: jeno

"heyy guys"

"junnie hi"

oh god how renjun missed that voice even though they face time everyday

"hi junnnn"

"when are both of you are coming I am missing you two so fucking much"

"junnie I am coming today I will arrive at like a few hours I just landed on Shanghai since there is a connecting flight to korea and jaem you are outside too, you didn't tell me about it"

"wait wait wait connecting flight to Shanghai, I am in Shanghai baby we will meet my flight was coming from New York that's means we will meet jen"

and renjun put the phone away from his ears due to jaemin's squeal but smiled brightly

"are you kidding me jaem we will meet each other fuck I am seeing you two way earlier than I expected I love you so freaking much"

"love you too nana and nono"

"love you twooooooooo"

the three of them chuckled and cringed at that but at the same time loved it, they all hung up the phone and renjun again began busy with his work

meanwhile jeno was shocked that he will meet jaemin in this plane, at first he didn't believe it but then he saw both of their flight number was the same

he was still sitting at the plane and was impatient now, he also found out that the seat next to him will be jaemin's

after waiting he saw that people were entering the plane, oh the boarding already started

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