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then I left jeno's room and went outside on my way to my home

what could happen to hyuck I am honestly scared he never cries unless something bad happens

I am really worried


jaemin POV

I arrived at my house after 15 mins god running is really tiring I never ran like that in my life

I saw hyuck's car and he was inside crying

my heart broke into pieces he never cries he one of the energetic people and it really hurts when he cries

I knocked at his car window

and he flinched and wiped his tears really fast then he opened the car window

"oh hey nana I am really sorry that I disturbed you but I really wanted to talk about it"

"it's fine hyuck let's go inside"

he nodded and came out of his car and then we went to my house I opened the door and sat on the sofa

and I hugged him

"let it all out"

then he started crying something really bad happened he is crying really badly after crying for minutes he started to calm down

but he was still having problems in breathing

"hyuck follow the same pace of breathing as mine"

he did what I told and thank god he calmed down I can't see him like that it really breaks my heart

"so are you ready to tell about- wait lemme bring ice cream"

"jaemin it's not about mark so no ice cream"

"ow but still ice cream heals people so I am bringing it"

then I went to the fridge and bought chocolate and vanilla ice cream I came back and gave the chocolate one to hyuck

he mumbled a thanks

"so are you ready"

he nodded

"so today I decided to come out in front of my parents and tell I am dating mark his parents know about us and I was scared to come out with mine so today I did it when I told them I was gay then mom slapped me really hard"

then tears started falling from his eyes again but he didn't bother to wipe them

"then she started saying that I can't be gay, I am a disgrace and other homophobic shit, then dad came near me but he hugged me and said it's fine I was really shocked he supported me but my mom didn't then mom started shouting at him that why he is supporting me then there was a huge argument I couldn't bare it so I ran away and now I am here, is it really a problem that I am gay nana"

"what the hell are you saying it's not at all a problem that you are gay okay, your mom is the one who should educate herself and one positive thing your dad supports you so don't feel bad okay and whatever happens I am here for you"

"thank you so much for caring you are the best bitch" then he hugged me

"yea I will care for you bitch"

"and sorry to ruin your date"

"it's not a date we were just doing the project"

"yea yea whatever and who is the other partner"


"who the hell he is"

"the guy in my neighborhood"


"what the fuck he is not asshole"

"tsk fine"

"so wanna hang out now renjun and jeno should spend time together now it's hyuck and nana time"

"let's go nana should we go to the amusement park"


we then stood up and were on our way to the amusement park

jeno POV

so now me and renjun are alone what should we do now

should I ask him to watch a movie? or to play a game? or what

"um so since jaemin is not here what should we do"

"yea I can't go home either since I don't have the keys wanna watch a drama if u want"

"sure I love dramas"

"same I recently got into it"

"really let's go downstairs we will watch a drama and also eat"

"done and I got someone with whom I can talk about dramas"

then he wiped his imaginary tear and I laughed at his actions we then went downstairs

then I turned on the tv and opened Netflix

"sit down on the sofa and select a drama while I bring the food"

he nodded and I went to the kitchen to get food I grabbed two plates and yes mom made noodles then I placed the noodles at the plate (is the sentence correct it will happen if eng is ur 3rd language)

after few mins i came with noodles and sat down on the sofa and handed a plate to renjun

he mumbled a thanks

"so what drama did you choose"

"idk if u saw that or not but I selected 'crash landing on you' I wanted to watch it"

"I was about to watch it great we will watch it together"

then he turned on the drama and started watching it we were watching and eating, after few mins we finished eating and us being focused on the drama we kept the plates on the coffee table we were talking during the drama and it felt nice I don't know why but it did suddenly rested his head on my shoulder I got startled by that action and due that he stood up

you idiot why did you have to get starlted but I pulled his head indicating to rest his head on my shoulder and he did

"don't have any problem right?"

"no it's fine, it's actually cute"

he giggled at my response and smiled and I smiled back

it was really silent except for the voice of the tv but it was a really comforting silence we continued watching the drama then someone opened the door it was......


whatever nobody can stop me from giving cliffies

and idk but I kinda feel empty these days idk why it sometimes happens to me I just don't know but I feel empty ik I am being annoying

anyways have a good day/night

byee love you lots angles❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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