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Y/n's POV

It was night, everyone was tired besides me and Niki. We were in our room bored. I mean we weren't tired and there's nothing much to talk about because we told a lot of stories with everyone else.

"Soo you and Alex?" She said looking at me.

Just a reminder we're sitting side by side on the bottom bunk.

"I swear Niki, we aren't a thing. How about you and Wilbur?" I asked looking at her.

"Y/n you know this! We're just friends."

She blushed.

"Either way I still love your friendship." I smiled.

"Same with you and Alex." She smiled back.

"Hey how about a movie?" I asked looking back at her.

"Yeah!" She said grabbing the remote and scrolling through Netflix.

We found a movie but we also heard footsteps coming towards us.

The door opened to reveal Tubbo.

"Hey guys, I can't sleep what are you doing?" He asked coming into the bedroom closing the door behind him.

"We can't sleep so we're watching a movie!" Niki said looking at Tubbo.

"Oh can I join? Who ever knew Wilbur snores like he sounds like a dad and Alex is still up on his phone he might come up I don't know." Tubbo said coming over and sitting next to Niki.

"It's Alex he probably wo-" I said unfinished by Alex coming in.

"So it's a party now?" Alex asked coming in closing the door behind him and sitting next to me.

Shoulder to shoulder..

The feeling of being protected filled me. I felt safe with Alex.

Alex wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards me scratching my head.

"Are we watching a princess movie you weirdo?" Alex asked finishing scratching my head and putting his arm back to his side.

"No. It's a horror movie." I said fixing my hair.

"Than I'm out." Alex said getting up.

I grabbed what was supposed to be his wrist but instead I grabbed his hand.

I sat there staring at him in silence. He stood there staring at me with silence.

Was he... blushing?

I mean I can't tell it is dark in the room and the only light is the movie waiting to be played. Maybe it's just the red on the tv! Right? Oh boy.

"Sit down I want to watch this!" Tubbo said breaking the silence.

Niki hit his shoulder.

"You ruined there moment!" She said whispering but I overheard.

Me and Alex unbroke from us zoning out. He sat back next to me. We didn't even look at each other during the movie.

I wasn't even paying attention to the movie I was just thinking of the fact that I felt something when our hands touched. I can't possibly have feelings for him right?

I did enjoy holding his hand and I want to hold it again.

After 2 hours the movie ended. It was a long movie even though I didn't pay attention to an hour of it. Niki and Tubbo were passed out. Quackity just got on his phone.

I got up from the bottom bunk and climbed up to the top bunk where I sleep. I had 2 pillows and I felt bad because Alex didn't have any. I grabbed one of my pillows and dropped it down to Alex.

He looked up and smiled at me.

"Thank you." He said.

I smiled back.

"Your welcome!"

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