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2 years later...

Y/n's POV

I was woken up by Alex who I was sleeping on top of moving. He must've woken up and got uncomfortable.

I got up and stretched a little bit sitting on top of him. Then falling off of him.

"Sorry for waking you up" He said.

I looked at him with a warm smile admiring his looks. "It's ok my love"

He smiled back.

Me and Alex have recently moved in together. We weren't married but we wanted to be closer.

I got up and changed into decent clothes even when Alex was still in the room but he covered his eyes.

When I was dressed Alex got up too and gave me a kiss on the forehead, but I couldn't help but hold his face and give him a deep kiss on the lips.

We both pulled away and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and all that. Alex later came in too and hugged me from behind.

Me and Alex are really clingy. I was always ok with it I enjoyed the attention.

But let's go back to what happened over the past 2 years.

Me and George actually kissed it was for a dare though. Alex got jealous and got into a small fight with George but they cheered up at times.

Alex actually played with my hair and pulled some of it out not a lot but still pulled some out. I never let him touch my hair again.

Me and Alex have gotten into a few fights. Not many though. 5 were serious and the rest were just pretty stupid.

Me and the dream smp are closer then ever. We're not that big of a hit anymore but we don't mind clout.

We all met up together like all of us only twice. It's not a lot but it's hard to get all these people to meet up at one time.

George actually stayed with me for a few months and we had a lot of fun.

There's a lot more but it's not really interesting.

Back to today.

Alex's arms were wrapped around my waist from behind. Our bodies touching and butterflies filling my stomach. I was lucky to be with Alex. We were both in love and didn't have much problems.

I looked Alex and we locked eyes. We stared at each other then eventually breaking it.

"You're adorable." I told Alex.

"Same for you" He said with a smile.

Our bond was unbreakable. We've been told many times we're way too clingy but with both like the warm from the other.

Alex eventually removed his arms and did his morning thing.

We never had much to do around town and home. We had 2 cats though that we'd always give attention too. It's my cat and Alex's. I remember the time we FaceTimed and put our cats on a date.

Alex's cat laid on my lap and I pet the head all the way down over and over. The cat was purring in comfort and joy. At least I thought.

I was watching whatever was on tv and waited for Alex.

He came out and said "I'm going to go out with my friends for breakfast if that's ok.."

I turned around to look at him.

"Yeah of course have fun!" I said with a smile.

"Thanks beautiful I'll be back. Want me to bring you anything home?" He asked giving me a warm smile.

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