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Y/n's POV

2 days later

2 days ago me and the boy I fell in love with kissed in the rain..

Flashback 2 days before today.

Me and pulled away from another kiss and after confessing our love and feelings to each other. We cried in happy tears that mixed with rain. I smiled and so did he.

After the moments the rain stopped and the sun came out. Our soaked bodies stood there then laughing because the sun came out perfect timing like it was...

Meant to be..


I was laying on top of Alex as his fingers brushed through my hair. He was aggressive because he would pull my knots and it hurt.

"Ow Alex!" I said with a slight yell as his finger hit a knot in my hair which pulled my hair.

"Sorry! You just have so much knots. It's like rats do you hair.." Alex said.

"Alex!" I said getting up off of him falling down next to him.

"Noo babe I'm sorry.." Alex said looking at me with a pout.

"Meanies don't get cuddles." I said with a pout.

We acted like a middle school relationship I don't know why...

Next thing you know he starts playing Mexican music and starts attacking me. He tickled me and I HATE being tickled.

"A-ALEX STOP!" I yelled running out of breath from him tickling me and me laughing.

So I kissed him to make it stop. Of course he did stop.

He was on top of me and we kissed. Someone better not walk in or else it's gonna look like we're doing something else.. if you know what I mean.

He really was getting into the kiss so I pulled away.

"Sorry sometimes I get to carried away." Alex said.

"It's ok." I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

We smiled with red cheeks looking at each other.

Alex's mom walked in as Alex was still on top of me. We both stared at her as she stared at us.

It was silent for a moment.

"Am I interrupting something?" Alex's mom asked.

"No he was just tickling me and we ended up like this." I said.

She nodded and walked away.

We both started laughing and Alex got off of me.

"That could of went another way." Alex said with a giggle.

"Yeah I know." I said agreeing with a giggle.

Me and Alex looked at the ceiling but I saw his head face me in the corner of my eye.

He just stared so I looked back at him.

"What?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Your so beautiful.." Alex said.

"I've heard that line in so many movies." I said.

"Shhhh just go with it. You are beautiful though." Alex said smiling putting his hand on my cheek.

He pecked my lips then rubbed my cheek.

I smiled and moved in more towards him and we cuddled.

I'm tired but I'm not..

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