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Y/n's POV

Wow today is playlist. It's like 4:00 am and I have to be at dreams by 12 pm. Can't wait to see how short Alex is. Speaking of Alex I should FaceTime him.

I take out my phone and call Alex. He answered, I saw that he was already on a plane.

"Wow your already on a plane!" I said.

"Well yeah. Y/n I have like 3 flights I have to catch just to get Florida. I didn't feel like catching just 1 because I don't do to well on planes and I would need breaks." Alex said.

"Haha loser, I can drive because me and Dream both live in Florida, but it's like a 2 hour drive.." I said.

"Yeah how'd you k- ohhhh I see." Alex said realizing.

Me and Alex FaceTimed until 4:45 when I had to leave.

"Alright Alex I'm gonna hang up on you now because I have to start heading to dreams. Byeee! See you at 12!!" I said waving.

Alex waved as I hung up. I grabbed my keys and left my apartment and got in my car.

I loved driving for some reason. Just driving for hours is annoying.

2 hours later.

It was now 9 am. I still had 4 hours till I had to be at dreams. I was already in his city so I drove around for an hour. Than for another hour I went to a restaurant and ate. I then went to my car and just took a nap for 2 hours that actually turned into 6.

I woke up and noticed that it was 3:00. I was late. Geeeeesh. I woke myself up by splashing water on my face. I jumped to the driver seat and went to the destination dream told me to go. I pulled into the drive way to see a lot of cars that were probably rented.

I walked up to the door with all my stuff and took a deep breath and exhaled. I opened the door..

I saw them.. They froze and looked at me. Of course I started crying.

"Oh my god..." I said basically sobbing.

Everyone ran over to me and hugged me tight. I couldn't see Alex though. I still admired that everyone was here still though.

After like a minute of hugging everyone pulled away.

"Here let me show you where yours and Nikkis bedroom is." Dream said.

I didn't want to be rude and ask where Alex was because it would seem like I only came for Alex.

Dream took me and Nikki to our bedroom. Dream stopped at the door and opened it for me. I walked in to see.


I covered my mouth but we ran to each other and hugged. We did fall but we were still hugging, hugging tight. I was crying, I was SOBBING. I felt some wet drops soak into my shoulders that touched my skin. So Alex must of been crying in joy as well.

We basically laid their hugging for 2 minutes. It would of been longer but dream and Nikki pulled us apart.

"Is it really you A..Alex?" I asked in between sniffs.

He nodded with a smile. We were both sobbing still.

3 hours later.

Me and Alex cooled and never really left each other's sides.

We had a fire and told stories of everything that happened on the way to dreams. Wilbur actually had a pretty funny story.

We were all really smiley the whole time. Alex was actually taller than me. Not by much though.

After we all shared out stories we decided to go live. We actually tweeted that everyone should join dreams stream for a surprise. Dream didn't want to show his face so he put on some weird mask.

A lot of people did join. There was at least 314,000 viewers. We did a bunch of games on the stream which was fun. The viewers did drop at times but then it would go right back up.

There was this one activity where we roasted each other and me and Tommy got each other. I basically said "Tommyuglit" the whole time. He said "pog" or "poggers"

It's fr 6 am I'm tired asf gn

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