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Still y/n's POV

4 hours later.

I slammed my keyboard at the fact that I blew up from a creeper when I had diamonds.

"Woah woah chill!" Alex said.

"I had DIAMONDS Alex D I A M O N D S"

I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. I'm not that best at Minecraft not even good. This is like the 4th time ive gotten diamonds this year.

I mostly just ask George or dream for diamonds. I play Minecraft a lot but I don't do anything besides mess around.

"I wanna rage quit so badly right now, Alex." I said trying to keep calm.

I took a deep breathe and exhaled.

"Its normal tho." Alex said trying to make it better. What's that gonna do to help anyways?

"But it still annoying, ugh I'm bored now Alex." I said with a big sigh.

"Hmm well what do you wanna do?" Alex said also sounding a little bored.

"Not sure, chat any ideas?" I asked looking at the chat.

Everyone just said keep playing Minecraft.

"Besides that chat!" I said with a slight giggle.

Someone entered the room and I looked to see George.

"HOLY SHIT!" I said raising my eyebrows.

"What what?" Alex said.

I left the tab and just showed my plane screen with just me on it.

Alex also was being shown in the corner.

I was fucking SHAKING.

George came into the screen but ya know I hugged him.

"Woah George!" Alex said.

"Guys I'm going to end the stream, I'll stream later with George and maybe Alex plus others idk byee!" I said with an arm wrapped onto George still.

I imminently ended the stream.

"Alex Ima spend time with George, sorry!" I said.

"All good y/n! I understand byeee!" He said waving with a smile.

I waved back with a smile and ended the call.

I hugged George again but much tighter.

Me and George live about 10 or 15 hours away from each other by car.

"Wait but I just saw you on the FaceTime call!" I said pulling away.

"I knew you would probably call me so I just made a video of me before I left." George said.

"How did you know what I was gonna say?"

"Because you always call me and tell me when your bored."

"Ohhh makes sense!"

We smiled each other.

"Anyways, what do you wanna do while I'm here?" George asked.

"Hmm how about our normal ice cream and than just walk around and talk than at night we go to a drive in!

"Sounds romantic, I'll pretend to be Alex." George said giggling.

"George!!" I said playfully rolling my eyes and punching his shoulder gently kinda rough.

"I'm kidding! But yes it sounds greeeat!" George said holding the e sound in "great"

"Alright let's go than!"

We were both already ready so we just left. We walked to the ice cream place.

We arrived and I saw my mom.

Why is my mom here? It's been awhile since I saw her after I moved out. We got into an argument when I told her I was moving out.


"Your not leaving y/n y/l/n!"

"Mom I'm 18 years old! I'm allowed to move! I can live on my own!"

"I'm going to be here alone with your father! (And siblings if you have any)"

"Is there something wrong with them?!"

"No they are just useless! I'm your mother and I told you you are STAYING!"

"Mom this argument is stupid! You know I'm old enough to live on my own! I understand that you don't want me to go but I'll visit."

"Oh so this is stupid?! You know what just go. Just go move I don't care!"

I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. I booked an apartment just for a few nights so I get to feel what it's like to be alone, living alone.

End of flashback

"You still never talked to her after what happened?"

"Nope, I just left I told her bye that's it."

I told George about that time with my mom. When I went to room.

My mom turned to look at us.

"Oh y/n... George." She said.

We waved in silence.

George whispered in my ear.

"How about we go to the other ice cream place?" He asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

I locked into his arm and we left. Just turned around and left.

We walked another few blocks and got to the other ice cream place.

We sat down and got our favorite ice cream.

We giggled and talked about funny stories that happened at our home towns.

I eventually shoved George's ice cream cone in his face.

I acted shocked and than laughed.

"Y/N Y/L/N!" George said.

I was still laughing while George had a little laugh.

He then shoved his ice cream in my face.

"OH DO YOU WANNA GO?" I said looking at him.

"YEAHHHHH" George said. We started shoving the cold ice cream onto each other laughing.

We stopped later on and went to the bathroom to wash off the ice cream. Lol no we didn't go into the bathroom together.

We both left the ice cream place and went back to my house. We decided to just watch a movie at my house instead.

I turned on my favorite movie. George also liked it.


It's 5 am right now 😰

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