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During the time before playlist y/n and all of her online friends got really close. Y/n got more talkative with Karl and Tubbo.

Y/n and Alex definitely got way more clingy and "fake" flirty. Alex got jealous when y/n would be alone in a call with one of the guys. They turned out to have a decent amount it common! They have known each other for a year could they possibly be ready for a relationship? Are they gonna take it slow and wait to be in a relationship IF they like each-other?

George and Y/n are just GLUE. They have pulled at least 65 all nighters together over the past 5 months. They get shipped A LOT but they don't seem to be into each other in a romantic way. They understand why they get shipped a lot so they don't let anything ruin their amazing friendship.

Y/n and Nikki actually built a house together in the dream smp. They are just so kind to each other. Almost every time they stream together they build and tell stories. There starting to get shipped a lot...

Y/n and Tommy are going ok. There still not nice to each other, well actually there's times when they are but it's rare. Tommy not very happy to go to America because he "hates" it. Y/n always says she loves Tommy and Tubbos friendship.

Y/n and Tubbo are going great! They actually started streaming together a little bit. They even got dogs for each other one time in the dream smp. Tubbo is always making y/n laugh and y/n's always making Tubbo laugh.

Y/n and Karl is doing wonderful. Y/n is always complementing Karl's clothes because who doesn't like Karl's style? They have also done a few streams together but they were mostly not Minecraft.

Dream and Y/n is getting closer. Dreams teaching y/n how to get a little better in Minecraft, it's actually working. Y/n tries teaching dream Minecraft even though she knows that it's not true or a really stupid idea.

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