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Y/n's POV

I met Alex's mom. She was sweet and talked English to me because I'm not the best at Spanish.

"Ok, mamá ahora iba a ir a mi habitación ..." Alex said.

English: "Ok mom we're gonna go to my room now..."

Alex's mom nodded with a smile waving at me as I waved back with a smile.

Alex grabbed my hand softly. Not my wrist my hand.

I tried to hold in my flushed face but I just couldn't. His hand is soft and he even interwined our hands so I knew he did it on purpose.

Did George tell him I liked him? I mean if he did I think he's trying to tease me around.

We were in his room.

"So I picked out a few movies which one?" Alex asked taking his hand out of mine, then holding up 4 movies.

I pointed to the 2nd movie. He nodded and smiled.

He put in the movie and pulled out a thing of snacks. He acted like he didn't even touch my hand.

He jumped onto the bed and patted down next to him welcoming me to sit next to him.

I sat down next to him leaving a little bit of space between us.

He moved closer to me leaving no gap. Yeah George had to of told him I liked him.

Alex's POV

I moved closer to y/n leaving no gap. I was trying to figure out if I liked her or not by getting closer with her, like holding her and sitting closer to her.

The movie started playing and y/n was looking at the tv with light red cheeks.

I zoned out on her.. she's beautiful.

She turned her head to look at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

"B..because your beautiful." I said feeling my face burn up.

I watched her face brighten up with a smile.

"Thank you." She said kissing my cheek.

I felt my heart race, I felt my face burn up even more, and I smiled big. I do like her..

She looked back at the movie. My curtains were blocking the sun and the lights were off so there was no lighting besides the tv.

The tv put light in both our faces exposing our red cheeks.

We finally focused on the movie.

We ate our snacks and talked about the movie at times.

Authors's POV

Alex and y/n were watching a movie not knowing that they both had feelings for each other.

After the movie

The movie ended and y/n looked tired. It was still day time around 3pm.

"I'm going to uh take a nap." Y/n said standing up.

Alex grabbed her wrist stopping her from walking away.

"You can sleep in here, my dad should be home soon and I'm pretty sure he's going to check the guest room and is gonna see you. Not saying it's a bad thing it's ju-" Alex got cut off by y/n.

"Fine fine I'll nap in here you don't have to make things up." Y/n said getting in the bed.

"Well uh I'm going to clean up. Have a good nap, make sure to dream about me!" Alex said with a small laugh while bringing trash to the garbage.

Alex went back to his room closing his door to let
y/n sleep.

He went to the guest room where y/n was sleeping and cleaned up.

He opened a drawer to see what looked like a diary. Alex was nosy at times and he did want to know if she liked her.

The what looked like diary is the journal she talks about with how she feels about Alex.

Alex grabbed the journal and right before he opened it his mom opened the door.

"Your dads on his way home with dinner he should be here in like an hour." She said speaking English instead of Spanish for some odd reason.

"How did you know I was in here, and why are you speaking English?" Alex asked putting the journal back to where it was.

"I saw you come in here and I'm speaking English because I want to be better at it when talking to your girlfriend." Alex's mom said.

"Ok well one she's not my girlfriend." Alex said crossing his arms.

"Well you like her."

"How would you know?" Alex asked putting his arms down raising an eyebrow.

"Well your snooping around the room she's staying in when it's clean and going through her things." His mom said.

Alex knew his mom was right.

"Ok fine I do! Just don't tell her." Alex said.

Alex's mom made the sign sealing her lips that she wasn't going to say anything.

Y/n's POV

45 minutes later

I woke up from something falling to the floor. My eyes were barely open and I saw person who looked familiar.

At least I thought.

My eyes opened all the way. I saw a girl.

"Sorry to wake you. You Alex girlfriend?" The girl asked. She was Mexican I could tell, but her voice sounded like she just learned English because there wasn't proper grammar.

"Uh no." I said.

I sat up.

"Oh well I'm cousin." She said putting her hands on her chest signaling that she's his cousin.

Alex came running into the room.

"Alex has told me a lot about you, right Alex?" She said looking at him.

I looked at him.

"My dads here time for dinner." Alex said avoiding what his cousin said walking backwards slowly then turning around and walking quicker.


Finally a new chapter! Sorry it took so long. :) I made this one long for you guyssss

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