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Karl's POV

Did I just kiss her? I did.. we're still kissing that's a good si-

"I-I can't do this Karl..." y/n said pulling away rubbing her arm looking at the floor.

She even stepped back.

"I understand." I said.

I liked this girl. Never shared it but I did.. at least I thought.

She looked up.

"I'm sorry." She said looking worried or embarrassed.

"It's fine! Really." I said looking at her with a small smile.

Was it relationship feelings I had for her or was it just a best friend feeling? I'm not sure anymore. I mean I thought I liked her.

"Good. Can we just pretend this never happened." She said pointing at both of us.

I nodded with a smile.

"I'm going to grab some groceries want anything?" She asked looking at me raising an eyebrow.

Is she.. trying to get away from me?


"Uhm no thank you." I said.

She nodded with a smile and walked away.

I can't keep the kiss to myself I have to tell someone.

I'll tell George.

I opened my phone and texted George.

Karl: Hey George.. I might of kissed y/n. I don't know what to do because I think I like her. I'm not sure if I do but can you maybe.. ask her about me?

Tommy: Hey man this is the group chat

Wilbur: Karl's got a girlfriend

George: Yeah uhm this is the groupchat but I will even though she can see this

Alex: .. oh


Karl: Sorry..

Tubbo: Wait how did you and Karl kiss anyways?

Y/n: He missed his flight and I let him stay at my house..

Tubbo: Oooh

Y/n: Yeah. Karl please pack your things.. I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't like you in that way and I don't want to make it awkward.

Dream: Uh you can come to my house Karl

Karl: thanks man..

I messed it all up..

Authors POV

Alex looked at his phone seeing y/n has kissed another guy. He texted back only saying ".. oh" then after that he shut off his phone completely. Powered it off. He felt..... jealous.

"Maybe just a break from social media for a little.. wait I'm not even sure if I like y/n. Why am I overreacting? Maybe I'm just jealous as.. a friend! Yeah yeah that's it." He said in his mind feelings a little better. For now..

Y/n noticed Alex responded she got mad.

"FUCK GODAMMIT KARL!" She yelled punching her seat. She kept punching and punching her hand even started to hurt.

She was letting her anger out. She thought that maybe he liked her back and after Karl accidentally texting the group he could of lost interest. Maybe even ruined it for her and Alex.

She eventually stopped punching and pulled over. She cried. Cried alot that her arms had tears all over. Her face flushed and tears fell every second.

She hopes everything is ok..

She unlocked her phone calling George.

He answered

"George can you p..please talk to Alex for me?" She said into the phone trying her best to speak. She hoped he understood what she said.

"Oh y/n... yes I will. Do you like him?" George asked sounding worried.

"T..thank you and y..yes" Y/n said still in tears but smiling a little bit.

"I'm going to hang up. Ok? I'll be sure to call him and text him. Get better!" George said hanging up.

George went to Alex's contact and called him. No answer.. called him again.. still no answer.

He called him for minutes and got no answer so now he started texting him like crazy.

Still no response..

Wanted to mix some shit up.
Now it's going to get interestinggggg

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