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Y/n's POV

I woke up from a cough behind me. I was in someone's arms. I turned around to see Alex.

"Were we cuddling?" I asked looking at him confused.

If someone wakes me up and I'm still tired and something happens I'll forgot when I wake back up. I don't know why it's probably because my brain wasn't fully working.

"Y- no." He said.

"But I was just in your arms?" I said still confused.

"No no I was uh.. reaching over to get something!" He said.

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"My phone." He said.

We just stared silently.

"Mm ok." I said sitting up.

Alex just stared at me.

I looked at him.

"Why were we sleeping side by side anyways?" I asked slightly raising a brow.

"That's not important."

I looked away.

Even though I don't remember anything. Being in his arms for just that second was, amazing.

I slightly blushed.

I laid back down.

"I don't feel like getting up." I said.

We looked at each other again.

"Don't look at me!" Alex said.

The door opened to reveal Niki.

"O..oh im sorry!" She said closing the door.

"Niki!" I yelled.

Niki opened the door again.

"Y..yeah?" She said feeling embarrassed.

"We weren't doing anything." I said.

"O..oh! In that case. Everyone's awake now downstairs." Niki said smiling.

"We'll be there!" Alex said.

Niki closed the door.

Me and Alex got up and went downstairs. Alex nearly pushed me down the stairs.

"Hey! That wasn't very nice." I said.

He laughed as we walked down the stairs. I sat down next to George and laid my legs across his.

"Really?" He said looking at me.

"Just trying to get comfy." I said.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" I said.

He rolled his eyes again.

I began to tickle him.

"HAHAHAHA! S-STOP!" George said laughing.

I laughed along as everyone stared at us.

I eventually did stop.

I like gave up here
So yeah

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