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Alex's POV

1 day later

10 more days until y/n goes back home

Today was just a boring Monday. I was just walking around the neighborhood thinking, thinking about y/n. What could of possibly have been in that diary?

Well probably secrets of course. I need to respect her privacy but I'm just dying to know what she wrote..

What if there's things I need to know in it? and so much more.

I walked and walked with wind blowing against me, I shivered here and there because the wind was pretty chilly.

I was in front of the house about to walk in but then I saw y/n walk out. She smiled and waved at me also walking over to me.

She stood in front of me and looked at me. She was still smiling which made me smile back.

"How was the walk?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Good." I said smiling bigger.

"I gotta go pick up some things from the store wanna come?" She asked.

"I'm good. Good luck speaking to the cashiers they're  always in a bad mood." I said as we both laughed.

She grinned and walked away. I lived close to a store so she walked there.

My parents were both at work and my cousin left after dinner yesterday which left me and y/n home alone but she's now out so right now it's just me.

I went into her room and opened the drawer. I looked and saw no diary. She must of took it..

I just walked around the house. Once again thinking about y/n.

I mean I like her, does she like me? George probably knows..

Alex: Heyy man

George: Hey

Alex: So I have a question...

George: go on..

Alex: So I really really like y/n and I'm planning on asking her out tonight, and you guys are close do you perhaps.... knows if she likes me?

George: Figure it out yourself man..

Alex: but that's not an answer!

Ugh.. I don't wanna ask her out if she doesn't even like me.

I mean I guess George is right.. I should just find out myself.

Night time

It was 8pm and the sun was down. Me and y/n were at the park that had some lights, not just boring street lights. Like the trees just had lights all over them..

I thought this was the time to ask out y/n.. but it started raining. Not tooooo hard though. It was gentle rain.

I stopped walking and so did y/n.

I looked at her right in the eyes..

She looked into mine.

"Is there something wrong?" Y/n asked looking at me.

I looked around, no one was here. We were on a path that had trees covered with lights but the lights must of been water proof because the rain didn't do damage..

I looked at her again.

"No... nothings wrong. Besides the point that.......

I love you."

Her eyes widened. I smiled. I felt realized that I got it off my chest.

I kissed her.

I felt her kiss back and we were both smiling in the kiss. Every moment of us flooded through my mind, the first time we met, the first time we saw each other in person, all of the moments we were laughing together, the moments we looked into each other's eyes, and just so much more..

I felt my heart beat and my face burn up.

But she pulled away and looked at me.

"Alex... I love you too. I always did and always will.. I knew that I would fall in love with you since the start. I've been wanting to tell you for so fucking long but I've been afraid you wouldn't feel the same." She said with a happy tear fall down her face.

The rain was starting to get our hair wet but we didn't let the rain get in our way..

"Y/n I feel the same as you. I've been wanting to telling you but I was also afraid. Even after I found out you and Karl kissed that moment I knew you didn't like me back. I was so hurt and so in love with you but I didn't want myself to know on the outside. I was hurting so much I had to take a break from social media, but now I know that we both love each other and I'm just so happy.." I said with happy tears.

She smiled with more happy tears.

"It's funny how I kept a diary to myself that had all my feelings about you, it was basically a diary of my feelings and love for you. It's all it was. You can even look at it.." She said.

So that's what was in the diary...

"I actually saw that diary when I was snooping around your room but I never read it, I almost did but my mom opened the door and stopped me from opening it. It was like a sign I should find out in person, face to face with you." I said.

We both giggled with happy tears falling down our faces..

Both y/n and Alex's POVs...

God I love them so much..

I'm crying from this oh my god.
This was actually going to be the last chapter but I have only a few more ideas in mind so there might be only like 1-4 more chapters..
If I had to be completely honest chapter 32 or 33 are gonna be the last chapters. It's really sad yes..


Falling for you - Quackity x reader part 2??

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