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Y/n's POV

10 mins later

I was in the guest bedroom alone with Alex once again. He wanted to talk again.

"So what's up?" I asked looking at Alex who closed the door.

He took a deep breath and exhaled.

The ceiling fan blew against his hair, yes he had his beanie on.

At this point I'm thinking what your thinking.

He sat next to me and looked at me. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"There's this girl I like." He said.

My eyes widened. I felt a little pain.

"O..oh! What's her name?" I asked.

I never really officially liked Alex, I'm still trying to find my feelings. Yet things he does makes me blush or get jealous. Basically stuff crushes will feel when having a crush someone.

"Her names-"

Alex got interrupted by George walking into the room.

"Yo y/n we got you y/f/f/f (your favorite fast food)"

"Really?! Thanks!" I said trying to ignore what Alex said.

"Uhm Alex we can talk later well maybe actually keep the girl a secret... I'd like to know when you ask her out!" I said with a smile.

I mean I'm happy for him of course but- you know what maybe I'll be better if I just support him. Plus who knows how the girl could be. Right?

I nearly tripped because I was day dreaming and not paying attention. No one noticed which is good.

I grabbed my food and sat in between Wilbur and Tommy. Odd I know.

I saw Alex start walking downstairs as he was re buttoning his black collar shirt. Pretty attractive... sheesh y/n snap out of it.

I took a bite of my food as Tommy bumped into me causing me to drop my food nearly on Wilbur.

I slowly turned my head towards Tommy.

His eyes were widened.

I bumped into him back. Now we were basically bumping into each other like crazy that Wilbur was also being bumped.

"STOP I WANNA EAT" Wilbur said getting annoyed.

I stayed on Tommy's shoulder and turned to look at Wilbur as I smiled with my teeth and held up both of my middle fingers. Me and Tommy both let out laughters. As Wilbur sat there giving us the death stare.

I got up and finished my food. I couldn't keep Alex out of my mind.

"Hey guys Ima go outside on the porch and get some air." I said.

I walked towards the front door and opened it. A nice breeze blew on my skin. I shut the door behind me and sat in the chair. It was kinda chilly but not too bad if I can still handle it.

The door opened as I turned to see Alex. He's always coming around when I'm alone or going somewhere.

"Not trying to be rude Alex but do you ever let me be alone?" I asked still looking at him.

He looked at me.

"Well y/n, I don't like you being alone. It's better if someone's there with you. You know?" He said sitting in the chair next to me.

"Yeah I know.. still though." I said looking at the floor.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked as I felt his eyes on me.

"I don't care. You can stay." I said still looking at the floor.

"I'll go." He said getting up.

"Wait." I said grabbing his hand which was supposed to be his wrist.

This is the second time I accidentally grabbed his hand. This time we acted like this wasn't happening... well as it seemed.

Wind blew again as he looked at me waiting for me to saying something.

"I like you hanging around.." I said with a small smile.

He smiled bigger then me and looked at the floor for a few seconds then back at me.

"See I told you.." he said.

I let go of his hand as he went back to the chair next to me.

We played this weird game where we say a color and if a car passes by and it's the color one of us chose we basically win. It's a weird game but it's actually kinda fun.

We laughed a lot... 

A car passed by that was my color.

"Haha sucker! I won." I said looking at him sticking my tongue out and laughing.

"Cheater!" He said also laughing.

  We laughed looking at each other I felt something.

I have feelings for Alex...

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