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Y/n's POV

1 day later. .

I walked into my room and collapsed on my bed with a sigh. We're back to normal. The boring normal.

I sighed again. Why did it have to end so soon? Couldn't we all be together forever?

I just have an off feeling with Alex now. I feel like I'm gonna lose my feelings then maybe catch them again.

A notification went off on my phone. I grabbed it.

Quackityhq is live! Ayyy come join I'm back.

I pressed the notification to be welcomed by stream starting soon.. with Mexican music in the background. Normal Alex.

Alexes face then showed.

"Hey chat!!" He said with a wide smile and wave.

The chat was now going by really fast and donations and subs came in.

Why not donate?

Y/t/u (your twitch user) has donated 50.00$! Hey Alexxxx, I hope you have a good stream today! :))

Alex smiled big.

"Thank you! I hope you have a good day y/n!" He said happily.

I smiled at his remark back.

He was playing a game with George with Karl. I wasn't sure what game though.

I didn't stay through out the whole stream. I only watched a quarter of it.

I grabbed a water bottle I had in my fridge and sat down on the couch watching whatever I could find.

This light was blinding me but I managed to ignore the light.

Life is just boring now. Laying around, watching tv, and eating that's all I do.

I know we're all gonna meet up again soon, well at-least I hope. If we did it wouldn't be for a long time.

I sighed and sipped my water watching what I put on the tv.

I sudden knock hit my door so I got up and went to the door.

I opened the door to see... Karl

"Oh, Karl? Aren't you supposed to be back home.?" I asked.

"Y..yeah about that. I missed my flight, I did stay at a hotel but they kicked me out for another person." He said.

I'm exited he's here but I'm also really shocked.

"Well wait first, how did you know where I live?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Oh! Right yeah, George told me." He said.

"Sheesh of course. Oh uhm.. come in!" I said with a smile stepping out of the way.

"Thank you. Oh right, I was wondering if I could stay here just for a few nights.." He said looking at me.

I closed the door and looked at him.

His eyes looked into mine.

"Y..yeah! That's fine. Uhmmm you can sleep either on the couch or on the floor in my room." I said with a smile.

He grinned.

"Thanks and I'm fine with both but I guess I'll take the floor in your room." He said still grinning.

I nodded not knowing what to say. So it turned silent.

"Oh by the way.. where should I put my stuff?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Follow me!" I said with a warm smile, glad he spoke.

I walked towards my room as Karl followed.


I opened my door and walked in.

"Wow your room is nice.." He said looking around my room placing his bags on the floor. Then he looked at me staring into my eyes... butterflies filled me

"I'll go get the stuff for your bed." I said leaving the room quickly. I can't be having butterflies for Karl. I like Alex..

I went to the little storage room I had and grabbed an air mattress and sheets.

I walked back to the room and started blowing up the mattress.

I felt eyes on me..

Butterflies again.

Once the mattress was finished I put the sheets on and grabbed some pillows from my bed.

"There." I said looking at him with a tiny smile.

"Thank you." He said smiling with flushed cheeks that seemed they weren't supposed to be noticed.

The sunlight beamed into my room as his light freckles showed. I have to admit I did blush..

He moved more towards me. Every step he made I started catching feelings and lost feelings for Alex..

He was now just standing right in-front of me. He lifted up my chin and made his head towards mine.

Eventually his lips laid amongst mine...



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