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Alex's POV

(Pretend Dream already did a face reveal)

I can't keep ignoring the fact that y/n is ignoring me on wanting to know who my crush it. Every time I try and tell someone it gets interrupted.

It's almost like I should keep it a secret. Well the girl I like is-

"Yo Alex! Big q!" Karl said wrapping his arm around me.

This is what I'm saying. I keep getting interrupted.

"Hey Karl!" I said acting normal.

"What's going on?" Karl asked looking at me.

"Mm nothing really just thinking." I said.

"Ooh I see. Anyways we're all leaving to go to the actual playlist so go grab your bag or whatever." Karl said smiling and walking away holding his bag.

We had to bring all our stuff because we were going to the playlist hotel and on the day we leave we all get up, get ready and go.

5 minutes later

My bag was in the truck as we drove off. We had 2 separate vans.

One had me, Tommy, Karl, Wilbur, and Tubbo

The other had y/n, George, Niki, and Dream

(Sapnap, Skeppy, and bad didn't come)

I was peeking into the car y/n was in.

She was sitting with Niki then George and Dream in-front of them then I believe Tubbo and Tommy right next to Dream and George.

"Hey man stop staring at them." Karl said hitting me.

"Sorry I'm zoning out." I said looking at him.

"Nervous?" Karl asked.


"Kinda." I said even tho it was a lie. I'm not nervous at all.

We began to drive to our destination. We could hear music blasting from the car y/n was in...

Y/n's POV

Me and everyone else in the car with me sang
Last Friday Night - Katy Perry

Its mostly me and Niki but the boys didn't seem to care. They sang along here and there.

At the playlist hotel

We all walked into the hotel and went to our rooms. Me, Niki, George and Alex all got a room together. It's gonna be awkward because the boy I like is sleeping in the same room as me. I mean at least we're not sharing the same bed.

We unpacked our things and started getting ready for the actual meet and greet.

1 hour later

We all walked downstairs and stood at the door.

"There's gonna be a lot of people, grab onto my hand if you want to.." Alex said looking at me and smiling.

I nodded my head up and down.

The rest of our group were right behind us. Tommy kept on laughing for no reason.

Alex opened the door and fans started running towards us. Squeezing us. There was thousands of people. I tried to grab Alex's hand.

I missed at first but then he paused so I grabbed his hand. We ended up all making a line holding hands so we stuck together.

Some fans were aggressive and were pulling me and Nikis hair. Some had long nails and scratched a lot of us.

Alex's hand was squeezing mine for dear life. We got the middle of the crowd when we started getting pulled. That's when me and Alex's hand untangled.

This was like an apocalypse. Seriously, it's like zombies trying to eat our brains.

I couldn't see Alex at all so I ran to George.

"George!" I said grabbing his arm.

Me and George hugged our whole way out.

5 minutes later

After all the being surrounded we all finally got to a safe place. Where guards watched us and stuff.

Alex was already here.

We had scratches everywhere.

"Wow that was a lot of fans.." I said heisting.

"I didn't expect this many this year." Dream said.

We all looked each other.


Today a lot happened. We got stuck in a fan apocalypse but awhile after we got pictures and all that with fans calmly. We also met some famous people we liked too which was cool.

Today was really fun but, it's going by really fast. Which is sad because tomorrow is our last day. Well tomorrows Sunday and we leave really early in the morning on Monday.

I wish this didn't have to end...

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