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Y/n's POV

*day later*

The day Alex and y/n meet once again....

I woke up and realization. It's the day, it's here. I got out of bed quickly and got dressed into what I was wearing to meet Alex. The flight was about 3 hours, it's not to long.

I went downstairs and made myself something for breakfast. I then went back upstairs and got my things. I'm so exited!

I grabbed all my things and went downstairs. I had another hour until I leave so I wrote in my notebook.

Today is the day I meet Alex! The guy I like, the guy I discovered my feelings for.. I wonder if he liked me back or atleast likes me back. I plan on asking him out but I know for a fact it's not gonna happen. Sometimes I feel like I LOVE him, you know? I'm not 100% sure if I LOVE him it's difficult. Love is a big thing if I have to admit. I think I do love him now that I'm writing this. I'm smiling like crazy and I feel my face burning up. HOLY SHIT SO IM IN LOVE WITH ALEX QUACKITY? I've only known him for what a year or 2? Shit. I don't know if that's to early or not. Ok now I'm freaking out.. uh well.      How about what I find in Alex.. Alex is a very outgoing person. He knows how to make people's day even mine. He's uh very big part of my life. He showed me a lot and that there's more in the future then just laying around. He makes me smile all the time, I mean ALL the time. His smile is really what warms my heart.. I could imagine my life without him, it would be like boring and lonely. He's- there's just so much to say but for now this is all.. I can't believe in love with Alex Quackity...

I stoped writing and set my pencil down, I realized I'm in love with him. Ah god. How am I gonna react when I see him? We'll see I guess...

Authors POV

*1 hour and 30 minutes later*
Y/n walked onto her plane. She went through a bunch of things to finally make it. She sat in her seat and smiled looking out the window.

After a few minutes the plane started moving. She smiled with a warm heart. The plane was now in the air. "Here I come Alex.." she said in her head. She was meeting Alex at the airport once she lands.


Y/n's plane landed. She started getting exited, it's time. She's going face to face with Alex Quackity, the guy she's in love with.

She waited until she was allowed to be dismissed. Her heart was beating and she was smiling really big.

She then got dismissed and got her things. She walked out of the plane. She walked down the jet bridge.

She was in the open and searched for Alex.

She couldn't find him.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice yelled.

She turned to see just who she was looking for, Alex..

Alex's POV

Y/n has just landed and I found her she looked like a lost puppy so I yelled her name and started running towards her. She yelled my name back and we ran into each others arms.

My arms squeezed holding her.

"I missed you!" We both said.

We stood there hugging for a little not even minding if there was fans watching. It was about us it was our moment.

God I missed her..

I got stuck in a discord vc with some people I met on roblox. But uh tomorrow is another vc party btw. So be sure if your available, join the call at 10:10pm est.

Thank you! :)

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