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Y/n's POV

We all woke up from the alarm we set. We all were way to lazy to get up so we laid in bed for awhile until Dream bursted in jamming music.

"NOOOO" Me and Niki yelled.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" George asked getting off the couch he slept on.

"Let's not worry about that. You have to get up or your gonna miss your flights, besides y/n." He said.

"Fine!" We all said getting up.

We all took turns in the bathroom. We were all silent we didn't say a thing.

It was my turn and I went into the bathroom. I wasn't as bad as usual but I still did the normal things.

I walked out of the bathroom. Everyone was packed and ready to leave. This is when we all got pretty sad. We looked at each other a hugged. Hugged for awhile.

Nikis alarm went off and she pulled away, so we all did.

"That means I have to go. It was amazing meeting you all, really. You were all really nice people." She said with a smile.

We smiled sadly as she walked out the door.

"We forgot to meet everyone downstairs." George said.

"Oh shit your right! Let's go." I said.

We grabbed our things and started running downstairs.

We saw everyone at the exit so we ran over to them.

"Sorry! We forgot." I said.

We were all here. Besides Niki.

We all did a group hug for a few minutes.

Until everyone pulled away.

"We have to go to the airport now.." Alex said.

"Bye guys!" I said hugging everyone again.

We hugged for about 30 seconds and then pulled away once again.

Everyone left besides me and Dream.

"Well there gone now.." I said looking at Dream.

"Yeah.." Dream said.

"Hold on Dream.." I said running outside.

I ran as fast as I could to the bus, luckily I made it before he got on.

I ran into his arms causing him to move backwards a little.

"I'm going to miss you Alex..." I said with my head on his chest.

I felt his hands hold my head.

"I'm gonna miss you too..." Alex said putting his head on top of mine.

"Hey let's go! Your gonna miss your flight!" The bus driver said.

"Right! My flight." Alex said. We looked each other with teary eyes and hugged one last time.

Then pulled away.

"Goodbye for now y/n..." Alex said getting on the bus.

"Goodbye..." I said.

Then the bus drove off...

I did it I wrote 3 chapters
I'm miserable.
They were kinda rushed not to rushed tho.

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