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I woke up from the sun shining on me through the window, I'm not a morning person. I groaned because I HATE the sun. George was awake on his phone on the floor next to me.

"SHUT UP YOU GROAN SO LOUDLY" He slightly yelled at me.

"uGgghHh you don't have to yell!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Ow!" He sat up.

"Pussy." I said.

He grabbed the pillow tightly and started hitting me with it. It was a memory foam pillow so it was pretty painful.


He ignored me and continued hitting me with the pillow.

"That's it come here." I sat up as he dropped the pillow and ran. I got out of bed and chased him.

I managed to catch up to him but not close enough to grab him.  He screamed like a little girl laughing here and there.

After about 2 minutes I finally grabbed onto his hoodie. We both stopped and took breathes.

"That was a workout." I said hesitating.

George nodded also hesitating.

We were right by the fridge so we grabbed a water and chugged it. I also let go of his hoodie.

"I hope you learned your lesson to never yell at me or beat me with a pillow." I said rolling my eyes lightly hesitating.

"Well next time don't be as loud when you wake up."

"Ugh whatever, I'm hungry what do you want I'll order uber eats." I said.

"I don't care anything is fine." He said looking at me.

"McDonald's it is!" I said grabbing my phone and going to the Uber eats app. I ordered what I wanted than handed the phone to George.

He ordered and handed me back my phone. Now we have to wait.

"I'm not patient." I said crossing my arms.

"I've known you for awhile I'm pretty sure I know that." George said letting out a soft laugh.

"Of course." I said.

We talked about embarrassing moments than made fun of each other about it until our food arrived.

15 mins later

The doorbell rang and I ran over to the door grabbed the food handed the guy the money and shut the door.

"You must be hungry." George said laughing.

"Shut it!" I said walking over to the table and setting the food down.

Me and George grabbed our food and ate. After we ate my phone started ringing. I took out my phone from my pocket and saw who was calling me.


"Alex is FaceTimeing me hold on."

I answered the phone to see just Alex's forehead and eyes. I mean I was doing the same thing he could only see my forehead and eyes.

"HEYYYYYYY!" He said raising both his eyebrows.

"Heyyyyyyyyy" I said waving.

"What are you doinggggg?" He asked.

"Just got done eating with George how about you?"

"Nothing really."

"Well what did you need?"

"Did you get invited to playlist?" He asked then showing his full face.

I also then showed my full face.

"I don't know I didn't check." I said.

"Well I did! Haha!" He laughed pointing his finger at me.

"Y/n you did get invited, so Big Q can't make fun of you anymore." George said.

"Oh when is it?" I asked looking at George.

"Not for a long time actually." George said looking back at me.

"Yeah I still don't know why they invited to so early." Alex said.

"So I'll be seeing you in person?!" I asked.


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