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Y/n's POV

I recently met up with Alex and now we're back at his house. His house isn't to big and it isn't to small.

"My moms at work so she isn't here right now, she's very exited to meet you though!" Alex said with a warm smile.

I smiled back.

"Oh! Let me show you where you'll be sleeping." He said grabbing my wrist softly and pulling me to a room.

He took me to a guest room.

"This is the room we normally have guests stay in because of course it's a guest room." He said letting go of me once we reached the room.

I looked around the small bedroom and set my things down on the bed.

"Incase you can't sleep or feel uncomfortable in the room I'll show you my room!" Alex said happily.

We went down to his room. Well bedroom.

His room was the same size as the guest, his room was basic, wasn't to big. I figured he would have his setup in his room , but I was wrong..

"Where's your setup? I was wondering where it was soon it's not in your room." I said looking at him.

"Oh right! Follow me." He said with a smile walking towards another room that was empty, well it wasn't empty it just wasn't as filled as all the other rooms.

It was just his set up then some chair in the middle of the room.

Yet he showed me around some more.

After a few minutes I saw the whole house. Now there was nothing to do atleast what I thought.

"Hey y/n... I got this cool movie and I forgot I had it you down to watch it tonight?" Alex asked pulling out the movie out of no where.

"Uhh sure!" I said with a smile.

"Ah me perdonas, mm let's get some snackss" Alex said with a tiny giggle.

"Wow first time telling me, me perdonas, what's next me gusta?" I asked looking at him smiling with a slight laugh.

"Your to cute to be told that." Alex said looking at me from head to toe then looked into my eyes.

He literally just checked me out. Oh my god I better not be blushing!

"Uhhh excuse me?" I asked pretending like I didn't know what he said when it was clear what he said.

I could feel the butterflies fill in my stomach

"I know you heard me." He said looking at me.

My eyes widened a little bit as I slowly walked backwards to the guest room with a forced grin.

Right when I put my hand on the knob Alex's mom opened the door.

(I'm to lazy to translate to Spanish 😋)

"Hey sonny! Oh you must be y/n!! Come here beautiful!" His mom said with a warm welcoming smile and open arms.

I walked over to his mom and hugged her. She hugged me tight, then pulled away.

I cut this chapter short because my eyes will not stay open 🦈

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