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Y/n's POV

I woke up from Alex throwing something at me I groaned and threw what he threw at me back at him. I turned to my side and tried falling asleep again.

Yet again you guessed it he threw the thing back at me. I rose up.

"Fine I'm I up!" I said.

"We gotta go down in 30 minutes get ready." Alex said.

I crawled off the bed and rubbed my eyes heading to the bathroom. I looked horrible.

I brushed my hair, teeth and all that.

After, I picked out an outfit.

We had 7 minutes left over but we all decided to go down anyways.

We waited at the door until we should be walking out. Oh and also waiting for the others to come down here. Yet they did right after I said we were waiting for them.

"Hey guys!" I said smiling.

"Heyyy!" They all said smiling.

"Round 2 of the apocalypse." Tubbo said.

We all laughed.

After a few minutes George opened the door. No big crowd running to us. Which is good.

Alex just walked up to my side.

"Let's split up." He said.

We all agreed and went with someone. Like me and Alex.

"Hi!" A girl said coming over to me and Alex.

"Hiii" I said smiling at the girl.

"Can I get a picture with you guys?" The girl asked smiling larger.

"Sure!" I said.

Me and Alex got in the picture. She said thanks and ran off. Now people were coming to us one by one asking for pictures.

There was all kind of ages at playlist live which I found cool.

After hours of fans coming up to us me and Alex started walking around the place even though we still got asked for pictures.

Time skip (I'm getting very lazy)

It was night time. Our last night night together for awhile. I'm gonna miss everyone...

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