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Alex's POV

I saw as George and y/n were basically all over each other, jealousy flowed my body. I looked away with a tiny not to noticeable frown.

I played with my fingers hearing y/n and George giggling. I can't be jealous, they're best friends!

I turned around to see George now moving a hair behind y/n's ear.

Just friends...

I repeated "they're just friends" in my head over and over again to make the jealousy go away. Didn't work..

I got interrupted by Tommy bumping into me.

"Hey man! You good?" Tommy asked.

Since when does Tommy care?

"I'm fine... just thinking about home." I said looking back at Tommy and smiling knowing I lied.

"Mm I don't believe you, is it about y/n?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy if it was I would definitely not come to you man." I said with a tiny giggle.

"Not surprised. Hey get better man." Tommy said as dream begin to speak.

"I need everyones attention!" Dream yelled.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and went silent looking at dream.

"Wow teacher dream?" Y/n asked laughing as George also laughed.

"No. That hurt my feelings y/n. Anyways today I believe everyone's going to hang out with someone they were closest too on social media. Correct?" Dream asked raising an eyebrow at the end of his sentence.

Everyone nodded. Sometimes Dream gives me teacher vibes.

I looked back at y/n who was already looking at me.

We both smiled.

Y/n got up and walked over to me as I stood up as well.

She hit my shoulder.

"So me and you get to hang out today." She said smiling.

"Yeah, let's go before everyone starts arguing over wanting to be with someone else." I said grabbing her wrist walking out the door.

Yes we had shoes on.

"Ok so we gotta watch out for fans that's our main goal." Y/n said as we got onto the sidewalk.

I let go of her wrist. As we touched shoulder to shoulder.

"Yeah, fans are probably gonna take pictures of us and say we're dating." I said agreeing to what she said.

She started smiling big.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask looking at her.

She looked at me blushing.

"N..nothing!" She said looking away again.

What could she possibly be thinking?

"So where to first?" I asked still looking at her.

"Not sure, actually let's grab lunch." She said looking down at the concrete sidewalk watching her steps.

"Sounds good how about McDonald's?" I asked looking away from me her then looking around where we were.

A cold breeze came and made me and y/n shiver a little.

"Y..yeah sure." She said.

After 8 minutes of walking we reached McDonald's. We sat down inside across from each other. The place was pretty empty inside.

We ordered our food and waited. It's a fast food so it's not going to be long.

"So, what do u do in Florida?" I asked looking at her.

She rose her head up and looked at me.

"Nothing much actually, I just mostly lay around the house.." She said.

"Mm. I do that too. I still live with my parents so I guess sometimes I go out with them." I said smiling.

She chuckled.

"You still live with your parents? Really." She said with another chuckle.

"Yeah! Is it a problem? I'm not going to live with them forever." I said with a little chuckle.

"No..no not at all!" She said with a beautiful smile.

We ended up making eye contact. The sun made her eyes shimmer. Cute.

We later got interrupted and snapped out of eye contact by a worker handing us our food.

We smiled and said "thank you" as the worker said "your welcome" and walked away.

We ate in silence looking out the window. I did a little peek at her and saw her smiling again. Which made me smile.

We smile a lot when we're with each other pretty cute.

10 minutes later

We both finished eating so we exited the fast food. Some fans come up to us and asked me for pictures.

They didn't ask y/n so I felt bad. There was 8 girls. Well one girl asked y/n for a picture.

"Hi y/n! Can I get a picture with you?" A fan asked kindly.

"Of course!" Y/n said with a big smile getting in the picture with the girl.

"Uh who's that?" One of the fan girls that asked me for a picture asked with a kinda disgusted look.

"This is y/n! She's in Quackity's streams all the time. She's my favorite! No offense Quackity." She said with a large smile.

"Haha none taken!" I said looking at the one fan girl.

We all talked for awhile then me and y/n took off.
The fan girls watched us walk off so I went shoulder to shoulder with y/n. Don't know why just wanted to see there reaction. I did hear talking.

"Hey sorry about none of them asking you for a picture." I said.

"It's ok! At least one did and I'm happy for that." Y/n said.

"That's good. Hey what now? There's not much to do and I heard it's supposed to rain in I think 3 hours." I said.

"Not sure. Let's just head back to dreams no ones probably there. We can watch tv together and talk." She said.

"Let's go to the store and get junk then bring it home and eat all the junk while we watch tv and talk." I said looking at her.

She looked at me.

"I like that idea." She said.

I made this one
long for you guys.

Thank you so much
for 20k views!!! It means a lot!! ❤️❤️

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