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2 months later

Y/n's POV

Today was a very stormy day. The rain sounds from inside were very peaceful. It reminds me from when me and Alex went to a cabin together.

Flash back

I was looking at Alex with a smile, admiring how adorable he is. I completely zoned out on him. He looked at me.

"What are you looking at?.." Alex said. Knowing I was zoned out on him.

"Just your adorable self." I said still looking at him with a warm smile.

Rain suddenly started hitting the window.

Alex smiled and looked away. I saw his cheeks turn pink.

"Mi amor." I said.

He looked at me.

"I love you." I said with a big smile and my cheeks turning red.

Me and Alex don't really say we love each other often. I don't know why it's just not an every day thing. We do love each other a lot. Of course.

Alex pecked my lips.

"I love you too." He said smiling.

I kissed him back. Neither of us pulled away.

Let's say.. things happened.

Yes we did do it.

End of flash back

The rain started pouring and thunder started roaring. I was on the couch relaxed watching Alex's YouTube videos.

Me phone got a notification. So I looked.

George: Hey y/n!!

Y/n: Hmm George texting first?.... What's up??

George: Ok ok so I was wondering if we could like meet up again soon. I totally didn't stalk what things to do around you. I just miss you it's been months since we met up. Because you're always talking with your boyfrienddddd

Y/n: Yeah sure I'm done! I have no plans at all for awhile. I mean I don't do anything but lay around. But stop stalking me George like you already give my address to everyone all the time!!

George: whatever🙄 We need to start planning though. Planning can start tomorrow.

Y/n: Alright deal. Byee

I shut off my phone. A meet up with George does sound great. Though I miss when the whole dream smp meets up. It's been a long time since we all have.

I haven't met up with anyone at all besides Alex of course.

Me and Alex have had a lot of close calls of the smp members announcing us publicly. Fans are even spreading it so me and Alex might make it public. We already made a video about us announcing it 2 meet ups ago but we both over thought it but now we're prepared.

So tomorrow we're announcing to our fans we're public. I hope they don't hate on me because you know Alex has some obsessive fans that will probably hate on me. I mean too bad it's not like they're gonna kill me... at least I think.

My phone got a notification. Probably Alex sending me a weird ass Tik tok he found.

It's Alex but just not a Tik tok.

Alex: Hey beautiful!!

Y/n: Hey mi amor!!!

Alex: I miss you:(

Y/n: I do too..;(

Alex: I really want to hug you right now and hug you forever!

Y/n: Alex sometimes you hug too tight so if you do a tight hug you might kill me...

Alex: Rude:(

Y/n: I'm kidding I'll die just to be in your arms.

Alex: I love you

Y/n: Alex listen I love you too but now I want a kiss!

Alex: my long beautiful lips can reach all the way to florida for a kiss!

Y/n: Alex are you ok??

Alex: No I miss you.

Y/n: I know I know

Alex: We haven't seen each other since the cabinnn

Y/n: I know but we can't meet every single week mi amor...

Alex: I know I know but I really want a hug..

Y/n: just hug your pillow and pretend it's me I don't know.

Alex: I'll go hug my mom be right back


Alex: Ok I'm back she got me into a convo sorry

Y/n: It's ok you don't need to apologize!

Alex: I know we need to meet up soon though

Y/n: it depends me and George are planning on meeting up soon we just don't know an official date. We haven't seen each other in a long time.

Alex: oh uhh once you get the official date you guys are gonna meet up. Tell me so then I can plan us another meet up.

Y/n: Sure will!!

Alex: ok sounds good! Oh I was wondering if you wanted to post the video of us being official. I'm ready for it.

Y/n: Yeah I am ready actually.

Alex: Alright I'll just share it live on my twitch then post it on YouTube.

Y/n: Okk!

Alex: Ok then I'll talk to you later beautiful!

Y/n: Talk to you later mi amor:)

Quackity went live!

I have so many ideas so i might
post more but not like one every week.
I don't know we'll see!

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