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Alex's POV

I woke up from the sound of the door closing. I looked to see Tubbo and Niki gone. The sun was up. I groaned loudly stretching.

"Shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep!" Y/n said yelling.

"Well our little date is in 4 hours." I said.

"It's not a date and I'm trying to sleep goodnight."

I got up and climbed up to the top bunk. I sat at the edge of her bed looking at her.

Her eyes opened slowly.

"Ew fucking creep!" She said throwing her pillow at me.

The pillow fell off the top bunk.

"Can you go get that?" She asked looking at me.

"No." I said.

"Come on Alex! Please!"

"Only if u let me sleep next to you." I said smiling.

I liked y/n. Like girlfriend wise.... I think. I don't know. I'm not sure about my feelings for her. I'm still trying to find them. But I did feel something when our hands touched. I think she felt it too.

"Fine! But if you wrap one arm around me or a leg I'll kill you!"

I nodded and went down the ladder to grab the pillow. I threw it up to her as she put her head on the pillow and made room for me on such a small space.

She was sleeping sideways so there was more room. I laid next to her as her back faced me. I wanted to cuddle her so badly.

I just put my arm on her side but I didn't full on cuddle her. She didn't seem to care actually.

I moved closer to her. She moved a little closer to me.

We were now cuddling.

"Just because we're cuddling doesn't mean I like you or we're dating." She said.


"Yeah I know." I said.

We fell asleep.

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