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Y/n's POV

*day before the meet up with Alex*

I woke up in realization. Tomorrow is the day I meet Alex again! I already have everything packed and ready. I also cleared my mind a little bit so I'm not as red with Alex.

I packed clothes mostly of course. I also brought my notebook that's basically my diary and talks a lot about what I feel or what I think about Alex. I don't think it's the best to bring it but I'm bringing it anyways.

I'm pretty sure it's been like a month or half a month since I've seen Alex. Not too long actually since I last saw him but times been going by very slow for me so it seems like forever.

I jumped out of my bed and threw on normal clothes and walked downstairs to check if I got mail. Yes I did.

There was a lot of stupid ass coupons. No fan mail, or course. Why would I give out my address that's just weird.

I stepped into the house with the mail in my hands and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the table and set the things down.

Eventually my phone rung. I grabbed my phone and saw Alex was FaceTiming me. Of course I answered.

Alex: Heyyyyyyyyy

Y/n: Hiiiiiiiiii

Alex: I'm so fucking exited for tomorrow.

Y/n: me toooooooo the last time we saw each other felt like forever.

Alex: I know! I thought I was the only one who felt it.

I giggled a little bit.

Y/n: I have so much planned.

Alex: My planes are better!

Y/n: Noo you cant beat me!

Alex: Yes I can!

Y/n: nuh uh

Alex: yes huh

Y/n: whatever dream is better then you.

Alex: Obviously

I was smiling at my camera then all of a sudden my doorbell rang.

Y/n: Alex I'll call you right back!

Alex gave me a thumbs up and I hung up and went to the door.

I saw my neighbor with there child.

"Hey y/n! I was wondering if you could babysit my child? Please I'm going out for my anniversary and I need someone to watch her." The lady said.

I laughed but covered my mouth and started closing the door until her foot stopped the door.

"I'll pay you." She said.

I opened my door.

"How much?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Uhm 100 I guess." The lady said.

I fucking hate children.

"Fine." I said.

"Yes thank you! Have her back in like 3 days please! I'll give you 300." The lady said.

"Wait! I can't do tomorrow or any day after that I'm meeting up with my friend." I said.

"Fine babysit her then in the morning drop her off at the house and my mom will drive over and watch her." She said.

"I'll babysit her for 2 hours then I'm passing her to your house so have someone there or she's going ont he streets." I said grabbing the girl and closing the door.

The mom slid 100 bucks under the door.

It's a lot for 2 hours but like I fucking hate children with all my life. Sometimes there ok. I guess..

"Ok so what do you do?" I asked looking at the little girl.

"Phone" She said

"No" I said.

"Phone!" She said starting to raise her voice.

"No" I said.

"PHONEEEEE!" The girl said screaming.


The girl went silent and started crying.

"I can't deal with you I'm calling your mom." I said getting out my phone and calling the lady.

"Hey! I have plans happening right now and I have to leave currently and I can't bring the kid what should I do?" I asked into the phone.

"Uh just drop her off at the house." The lady said hanging up.

She's mad. Really mad, not my fault I hate kids.

I grabbed the girls wrist softly and walked her to her house. She went inside and closed the door.

I walked back to my house and closed the door once I walked in.

I sighed and laid around the house forgetting to call Alex back..

Ok so I was gonna
have Alex and y/n meet this chapter but ideas game to my head and I'm tired so you know what that means 😋

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