Chapter 28

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Saturday Afternoon: 5:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

It was finally the day of the long awaited-showcase competition between Momo and Y/N. Their entire school was present to watch the match, and there were many influential people in the culinary world present to see who would win. The match was highly publicized, causing the media to come to the competition to cover it.

Momo and Y/N were currently in an empty classroom getting ready for the competition. They were putting on their chef jackets and just making sure that they were not missing anything. They have been through many competitions together, but it was the first time that they felt nervous before one. It was odd considering that the competition was supposed to be friendly.

Momo let out a breath of air, "I don't know why, but I am really nervous right now."

Y/N walked up to Momo and fixed the older woman's collar, "Me too. I don't know why either."

Momo leaned down for a quick kiss on the lips, "Well, whatever it is. We can't let it affect our performance. There will be a lot of important people in the audience, so we have to give it our all."

Y/N wrapped her arms around Momo and buried herself into the older woman's chest, "You're right," she mumbled.

Momo giggled before starting to stroke Y/N's head, "We are going to be late to the competition if you cling onto me like this."

Y/N lifted her head to look up at Momo, "But I am going to miss your warmth during the competition. I don't want to have to run up to you during the competition, so just let me recharge my batteries right now."

Momo smiled gently at Y/N, "Alright, five minutes and then we really have to go."

Y/N nodded her head before burying herself back into Momo's chest. Momo wrapped her arms around Y/N and rested her chin on the top of the younger woman's head. The two of them always did this before competitions as they hated being away from the other's warmth for too long. At the start of their journey of competing together in competitions, Y/N had actually run up to Momo for hugs. It confused everyone at first, but they soon started calling it adorable that the two of them displayed their love for each other no matter the situation.

Momo separated from the hug after five minutes, "Alright, time for us to go to the competition. We don't want to keep everyone waiting."

Y/N intertwined their hands together, "Alright, let's go," she said before they started to walk out of the classroom.

"Hey, Princess," Momo called out to get Y/N's attention, "I just wanted to say that I love you."

Y/N smiled at Momo and leaned up to kiss the older woman on the lips, "I love you too, Momoring."

The couple walked into the stadium to the cheers of the crowd. They were still holding hands which caught the attention of some of their fans who gushed about their skinship. Momo and Y/N could not help themselves from giggling at everyone's reaction. They let go of each other's hand and quickly kissed before walking to their stations, causing a frenzy in the audience.

Professor JYP walked up to the centre stage before giving a quick bow and then raising the microphone up to his mouth, "Hello everyone. I am Professor JYP, and I will be your MC for this competition. It has been a long week waiting, but I know that this competition is definitely worth the wait. Momo and Y/N have always competed on the premise that they were competing together and never against each other, but I wondered what it would look like if they competed against each other; and that is how this competition came to be. Let's talk to the both of them briefly before we get started."

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