Chapter 9

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Tuesday Afternoon

Momo's POV

Y/N fully recovered by the end of Sunday. She did not wake up due to a nightmare much to my relief. We spent most of the day cuddling in bed at Y/N's request. We just talked about random things after I told her about my experience at the competition and silently enjoying each other's presence. We really only left the bed to go to the washroom or to eat. The others gave me teasing looks whenever they saw us much to my annoyance. The day ended the same way it started with Y/N in my arms and us cuddling each other.

I had classes on Monday, so I went to school. After classes, I happened to run into Y/B/N. We hung out since we both had nothing to do. We just talked about cooking, and they gave me some good advice. We exchanged numbers, and I requested to meet after school today. Y/B/N accepted the request, and we parted ways as it was getting dark.

I was now sitting inside a nice cozy café with a latté in hand, waiting for Y/B/N to arrive. The ambiance is really nice, and the soothing music made this a really nice place to study or just hang out. I think I might take Y/N here some day in the future if I want to get away from the others' teasing.

"Momo-unnie!" Y/B/N called out my name, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to see them walking towards me with a cup of coffee in their hand.

I waved at Y/B/N, "Hey! Thanks for coming out here."

Y/B/N sat down across from me, "No problem! You wanted to talk about Y/N?"

I nodded my head and leaned forward, "Correct. I want to know more about her."

Y/B/N mirrored my action, "I don't mind telling you, but did you try asking the other unnies?"

"I got some information from them, but I wanted to get a different perspective," I explained.

Y/B/N leaned back into their chair, "Alright, feel free to ask me whatever you want."

"Can you tell me about how Y/N was in high school?" I asked.

Y/B/N placed their hand under their chin before tilting their head to the side for a few moments before looking back at me, "Well... my first impression of her was that she was a cold person; this was mainly because she always had a neutral expression and never really talked to anyone. I never talked to her either until we both joined the Cooking Club. That was when I found out that Y/N is actually a personable person. We became friends and were basically inseparable. Y/N was always helping me out with school because she is basically a genius. She always made me laugh as she likes for everyone around her to be happy. She was also really clingy as she always linked arms with me when we walked anywhere. In general, she was a caring person that put those close to her before herself; a good trait, but also a dangerous one."

Y/B/N paused to take a breath and a sip of their coffee before continuing, "She also takes a lot of blame on to herself even though it really isn't her fault. One time, she was teaching me the material for a test that we had. I ended up nearly failing because her help wasn't enough for me to grasp the concept and do well on the test. Y/N profusely apologized to me, and I had to spend a lot of time reassuring her that it wasn't her fault."

I nodded my head in understanding, "Has anything changed since you two started culinary school?"

Y/B/N shook their head, "Not really. The only difference was that Y/N became more sociable. She didn't really become friends with other people, but her public image definitely improved. She started smiling all of the time and initiated conversation with others instead of waiting for them to engage in conversation with her. It was nice to see as she became popular because of it."

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now