Chapter 18

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Sunday Morning: 9:00 A.M

3rd Person POV

The group went home after the cooking competition formally closed and Momo was awarded the first-place prize of a trophy. Everyone outside of Momo and Y/N wanted to throw a party for the newly formed couple and to celebrate Momo's victory. They invited Y/B/N who declined the offer like usual.

The party was exactly like the one for Sana, Mina, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung. They ate a lot of delicious food and drank alcohol once again. Fortunately, Jihyo decided to not drink alcohol this time and was able to keep the party under control. Everyone cleaned up after the party and went to sleep.

Momo's eyes slowly cracked open as she let out a yawn the next morning. She looked down and a wide smile formed on her face. Y/N was nuzzled into her chest and was sleeping soundly. Momo leaned down to place a kiss on the top of Y/N's head which caused a smile to subconsciously form on the younger woman's face.

Momo began to silently observe Y/N's sleeping face. She was still in shock about the events that transpired yesterday. Winning the cooking competition was one thing, but Y/N accepting her confession put her on cloud nine. The effects could still be felt right now as her heart was still beating rapidly.

Y/N's eyes started to open. She was greeted to the sight of Momo staring at her with a wide smile. Her eyes went wide in surprise and a blush formed on her cheeks before she buried herself back into Momo's chest.

Momo let out a little chuckle, "Good morning to you too."

"Good morning, Momo-unnie," Y/N replied in a low whisper.

"Are you going to be this adorable every morning if you wake up to me staring at you?" Momo questioned.

Y/N buried herself further into Momo's chest, "Maybe..."

"I guess that means I have to take notes on what gives me adorable reactions from my girlfriend," Momo joked.

Y/N's lips curled up into a smile upon hearing Momo call her her girlfriend. Momo felt this and could not stop herself from smiling widely. She pulled Y/N away from her chest so that she could seal their lips together in a short kiss.

"So you like it when I call you my girlfriend?" Momo questioned.

Y/N nodded her head, "Of course, but I want you to call me your wife someday."

Momo's eyes widened in shock at what Y/N said. Her heart skipped a beat before starting to beat rapidly. A dark blush formed on her cheeks as she did not expect Y/N to be so bold.

Y/N let out a little chuckle, "You're really adorable when you blush like that. Should I start taking notes as well?"

Momo nodded her head, "Honestly, just being here with you is enough to make me want to blush. It just feels so unreal that we are now girlfriends."

Y/N leaned in to give Momo a peck on the lips, "Why is it unreal? You were already falling in love with me when you comforted me on my birthday. Your charms and genuine care for me made it nearly impossible to not fall in love with you."

Momo's eyes widened in surprise, "Wait! You knew?!"

"This may make me sound like Nayeon-unnie, but I just filled in the blank when you said 'Also because I lo---'," Y/N explained.

"That really does make you sound like Nayeon-unnie," Momo confirmed.

"Anyways, what should we do right now?" Y/N asked.

"How about we just cuddle until someone comes to get us for breakfast?" Momo suggested.

Y/N nodded her head with a smile, "I would love that."

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now