Chapter 22

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Sunday Morning: 9:00 A.M


Mo-bearing was cleared to be discharged from the hospital by Saturday morning. I stayed with her overnight to keep her company. I was scared that she would have a nightmare or a panic attack, but, fortunately she had neither.

The rest of Saturday was spent at home. Mo-bearing and I stayed in our room cuddling, enjoying each other's warmth and company, except for the times we had to eat or go to the washroom. I made sure that Mo-bearing kept her food down with gentle encouragement, and she looked a lot healthier because of it.

I was now sitting inside a café by myself at a table with two cups of coffee. I woke up extra early and avoided waking Mo-bearing up as she was very restless in her sleep. I arranged a meeting with Elkie-unnie before she had to go to her office. She was a bit surprised by my request but agreed to meet, nevertheless.

"Good morning, Y/N," Elkie-unnie greeted as she walked up to my table.

I stood up and pulled her into a quick hug before sitting back down, "Elkie-unnie! It's nice to see you again."

Elkie-unnie giggled before sitting down, "It's been a while. Tzuyu has been keeping me up to date with your progress, and I am happy to hear that Momo was able to help you return to your former self."

I offered the second cup of coffee to Elkie-unnie before starting to blush, "Yeah, Mo-bearing really helped me. She's a really caring person, and it made me fall in love again."

"'Mo-bearing'? That's a cute nickname," Elkie replied with a smile before taking a sip from her coffee, "Anyways, what did you want to talk about?"

I played with my cup of coffee for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. I explained everything that has happened since Mo-bearing and I started dating. Elkie-unnie listened and nodded her head a few times without expressing any emotions. She told me that this was one of the things she did to try to show her patients that she wasn't judging them.

"Hmm..." Elkie-unnie trailed off, "I would need to talk to Momo herself to be able to make a proper assessment, but, based on the information given, I would have to agree with what the doctor from the hospital said. It seems that the reason she is experiencing so much stress and anxiety is precisely because something in her head is triggering a defensive reaction for your well-being. The only way, that doesn't include medication, would be to deal with the source directly. I know that will be hard, but there isn't anything else that I can say."

I let out a sigh but gave Elkie-unnie a smile, "I was hoping there could be something else that could be done, but I guess there really isn't, huh?"

"I wish there was, but there aren't that many options right now. Have you gone to the police yet?" Elkie-unnie asked.

I shook my head, "Not yet. I was actually planning to go to the police station after meeting with you."

Elkie-unnie looked at her wristwatch before standing up with her coffee, "I have got to go to the office now. My last bit of advice would be to be by Momo's side as much as you can. Your presence will help ease her mind," she then lifted the coffee cup, "Thank you for the coffee by the way. It was nice talking to you again. Feel free to call me if you need anything. Take care."

I waved at Elkie-unnie as she walked out of the café. I let out a sigh and downed the rest of my coffee before standing up and leaving the café myself. I tossed my now empty cup into a trash can and headed straight for the police station.

I was directed by an officer to fill out some papers, given a number, and told to wait for my turn. Fortunately, there weren't that many people at this time, and my number was quickly called. I walked up to an officer's desk and gave him my papers. He read it over before placing it down on the desk.

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