Chapter 16

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1 Week Later

Friday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Momo was forced to stay in the hospital until Sunday night due to her injuries. The doctors were not willing to clear her for discharge as they wanted to be precautious. The real reason being that Momo behaved as if she had not just been stabbed and yelling in pain for a short period after waking up.

But who can blame Momo? Y/N opened her eyes 10 minutes after Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo visited her and went back to Momo's room. She was instantly cleared for discharge and made her way to Momo's room with Jihyo and Tzuyu. Momo told Y/N to go home to sleep in a proper bed as it was already late, but the younger woman refused and cited that she was not going to leave Momo's side until she was certain that Momo had recovered. Momo instantly felt her pain go away just by having Y/N by her side and was happy to hear Y/N's words. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, and Tzuyu ended up not trying to push for Y/N to go home as it was obvious that the two of them needed each other at that moment.

Y/N spent the morning taking care of Momo and made sure that the older woman did not move around unnecessarily. This warmed Momo's heart, but also made her flustered as Y/N went to the extent of not letting the nurse check Momo. It took a lot of convincing, and Momo resisting Y/N's adorable pouting, but Y/N was eventually convinced to allow the nurse to check Momo's condition; although Y/N glared at the nurse with jealousy the entire time the nurse was present.

Y/B/N came to visit Momo and Y/N at lunch and brought take-out food with them. Y/N helped set up a tray for Momo before Y/B/N and her sat down on chairs. The three of them ate while Y/B/N asked about the latter two's condition. Y/B/N revealed that the cooking competition was delayed for two weeks in light of the incident.

After a couple of hours, Y/B/N went home and left Momo and Y/N alone together once again. Y/N started to doze off and eventually fell asleep at Momo's bedside. Momo smiled before leaning down to place a kiss on Y/N's head without recognizing that the action caused her pain. She decided to take a quick nap and only woke up when a doctor came to discharge her.

Momo and Y/N came home and were greeted by a feast on the dining table. Dahyun and Chaeyoung instantly rushed to give Momo a hug before quickly separating from her when she yelped in pain. The two of them started crying and thanking Momo for saving Y/N, causing Y/N to blush out of embarrassment, before rushing to hug Y/N who tried to push the two older women away but failed. Sana and Mina came up to the pair after Dahyun and Chaeyoung separated from Y/N. They teased Momo for "finally growing up", causing Momo to laugh, before expressing that they were happy to see Y/N safe. Everyone ate and celebrated the safety of Momo and Y/N before cleaning up and going to sleep.

Momo spent the entire week at home as she wanted to ensure that she recovered properly. Y/N spent every waking moment at Momo's side and made sure the older woman did not do anything that strained her body too much. Momo found it a bit silly as it was to the point that she was not allowed to do the simple task of opening a door. She of course felt her heart racing at every small gesture that Y/N did for her. She chose to believe that Y/N was helping her as a way to repay her.

Y/N ended up having nightmares starting on Sunday night. She relived the moment that she regained consciousness and saw Momo with a knife sticking out of her. Every nightmare was slightly different, but it always ended with Momo succumbing to her injuries. Y/N would wake up in a panicked cold sweat, causing Momo to wake up as well, and turned towards Momo to make sure that the older woman was still very well alive before being able to calm down. She would explain what happened in her nightmares before Momo comforted her by pulling her into a hug. Momo would whisper reassuring words to Y/N until the latter fell asleep before laying the both of them back down and going back to sleep as well.

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