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6 Years Later

Friday Night

3rd Person POV

Momo and Y/N had their wedding a couple of months after Momo's proposal. It was a small wedding held for their close friends and family. All of the couples in the group slowly became engaged and held their own weddings shortly thereafter.

Momo and Y/N moved out of the group's condo shortly after getting married. Everyone slowly followed suit except for Jihyo and Tzuyu who ended up keeping the condo as they were the original owners of it. It became a place that the group could convene and have parties.

Y/N opened a restaurant with Momo after they were able to raise enough funds. The both of them worked really hard to make their restaurant as successful as they could. Thanks to everything they did with their blog and live stream, they were able to gain rapid success. They were even able to get a Michelin Star. All of this was what Y/N had wanted to give to Momo like she had mentioned many years prior.

The group was now hanging out at Momo and Y/N's restaurant after it had closed for the day. Momo and Y/N were in the kitchen preparing some food for everyone to eat. Everyone else was out front sitting around a big table save for Nayeon and Jeongyeon who were running late.

"Y/C/N! Aunt Nayeon is here!" Nayeon declared as she entered the restaurant with Jeongyeon behind her.

Momo and Y/N decided to have a kid five years ago through a surrogate. The two of them pampered their daughter with whatever they could provide. The rest of the group also loved their child dearly and would always be willing to babysit whenever Momo and Y/N asked. They would play with Y/C/N and baby her as if she was their own child.

Y/C/N jumped down from her seat and rushed to Nayeon for a hug, "Aunt Nayeon! You're here!"

Nayeon crouched down to hug the little child tightly, "Of course I am. Aunt Jeongyeon and I were just running a little bit late."

"Hey, kiddo. Hope the other aunties were able to keep you entertained," Jeongyeon said as she crouched down to be eye level with Y/C/N.

Y/C/N broke the hug with Nayeon to go hug Jeongyeon, "Yep! Aunt Sana gave me some of my favourite treats, Aunt Mina showed me this cool toy, Aunt Dahyun and Aunt Chaeyoung played with me, and Aunt Jihyo and Aunt Tzuyu was about to show me some photos!"

Nayeon scooped Y/C/N up into her arms, "Alright, how about we all look at them together?"

Y/C/N nodded her head with a wide smile, "Yeah! Let's go Aunt Nayeon!"

Nayeon walked over to the table and sat down in between Jihyo and Tzuyu. She had Y/C/N in her lap while everyone crowded around the four of them. Jihyo and Tzuyu had a photo album that they collected of Momo and Y/N's story. The two of them slowly went through the album and talked about her parents' story from the beginning all the way to the present time.

Momo and Y/N walked out of the kitchen with plates of food in their hands. A smile formed on their faces when they saw their friends with their child and showing her something. They walked over to the table and placed the plates down on the table.

"Y/C/N," Y/N called out to get everyone's attention, "What are your aunts showing you?"

"Mommy! Aunt Jihyo and Aunt Tzuyu have this album of you and Mama," Y/C/N replied with an innocent smile.

"An album?" Momo questioned, "Let us take a look."

Jihyo and Tzuyu passed the album over to Momo and Y/N who sat down at the table. Y/C/N climbed out of Nayeon's lap and made her way over to Y/N to sit down in her lap. The couple flipped through the album and began to reminisce about the past seven years of their lives. There were pictures of the day they got married where Momo was a crying mess because she could not contain her happiness. There were even pictures of the day that Y/C/N was born where Y/N was a crying mess because Momo and her were going to have a little bundle of joy bless their lives. The last pictures in the album was the day that their restaurant received its Michelin Star.

"Mama, is this what you called 'Chef's Ambition'?" Y/C/N asked as she pointed at the last picture.

Momo nodded her head before leaning down to place a loving kiss on Y/C/N's head, "Yep, that's what I always told you about."

Y/N let out a little giggle as she stroked Y/C/N's head, "Your Mama had a lot of ambitions when we were younger. The biggest one being that she wanted to take Mommy's hand in marriage and having you. Mine was opening this restaurant and getting a Michielin Star for your Mama."

Y/C/N happily kicked her feet with a wide smile on her face, "I want to grow up to be amazing chefs just like Mommy and Mama and have my own ambitions!"

---The End---

A/N: Hello everyone! I am back with the Epilogue and conclusion of this story! Momo and Y/N did a lot since the proposal. They got married and finally started a family. Y/N was able to give Momo what she has always wanted to do. Their future is bright and is blessed with a child. I hope the best for them.

This story was different from how I normally write stories. I wanted to try something different and have learned a lot from it. I would like to thank everyone for their support.

I will now be continuing my Jihyo x Female Reader and JiTzu fanfics titled "CEO's Love Story" and "Intertwined Souls", respectively. The Prologues are already out, and I hope that everyone can support these new stories as well.

 The Prologues are already out, and I hope that everyone can support these new stories as well

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Anyways, like always, thank you for the support!

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Anyways, like always, thank you for the support!

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now