Chapter 12

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Friday Afternoon: 5:00 P.M

Tzuyu's POV

There have been some positive changes since Momo-unnie and Y/N went on their little "outing" last Saturday. Although there was the aftermath of Sana-unnie getting us in trouble with Momo-unnie, everything has been good. I thought Ji-Ji was scary when she was mad, but Momo-unnie being angry was something else. Even her group was saying that they had never seen Momo-unnie like that before. Note to self: never get Ji-Ji nor Momo-unnie angry.

Y/N has been showing signs that she was reverting to her old self. She has been very cheerful around the house since Sunday night. She also gets excited whenever Momo-unnie comes home even going as far as clinging to her and asking about her day. It was really reminiscent of the old days.

I am actually a bit jealous of Momo-unnie that Y/N is only being her true old self around her. I really miss those interactions with Y/N, and it kind of annoys me that Momo-unnie was able to change her. However, I am also just happy to see the old Y/N slowly returning as that's all that really matters. The rest of our group is also happy to see our beloved Y/N being happy and being a little bit like old self.

I just walked into the condo after coming home from work. My right eyebrow raised in confusion when I heard a few shouts. Ji-Ji then appeared from the living room looking tired.

"Hey, Ji-Ji," I greeted, getting Ji-Ji's attention, "What is happening?"

Ji-Ji smiled at me before walking over to me and pulling me into a hug, "It's Y/N."

I started stroking Ji-Ji's head and frowned, "Did something happen to her?"

Ji-Ji separated from our hug and let out a sigh, "She is jealous that Momo-unnie is coming home late because she is getting cooking tutoring from Y/B/N. She has been sulking ever since she found out like an hour ago. You should see it for yourself," she said as she pointed at the living room.

I walked into the living room to find Y/N sitting on the couch. She had her arms crossed and was sulking. I was a little bit taken aback as I had never seen Y/N behaving like this. I was about to approach her when Jeongyeon-unnie and Chaeyoung came out of nowhere and sat down beside Y/N.

"Hey, Y/N~~~" Chaeyoung greeted with a singsong tone.

Y/N gave Chaeyoung a cold glare, "What do you want?"

"Hey now," Jeongyeon-unnie said, "You don't have to be mad at us just because you are jeal---"

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!" Y/N shouted as she stood up and glared at Jeongyeon-unnie.

Jeongyeon-unnie was shocked and put her hands up in a defensive manner, "I was just kidding."

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Y/N yelled before storming off to her room and slamming her door shut.

Ji-Ji facepalmed, "Dear lord those two are idiots. I will go talk to Y/N."

I placed a hand on Ji-Ji's shoulder before she could leave, causing her to turn to look at me, "Let me handle this."

Ji-Ji smiled at me before giving me a quick peck on the lips, "Alright, thanks."

I made my way to Y/N's room and slowly opened the door. I entered the room and gently closed the door behind me. I flipped on the lights as I could not see anything. My eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, and I found Y/N curled up into a ball with her blanket on her bed.

I walked over to the bed and sat down, "Hey, Y/N. It's me, Tzuyu-unnie," I gently spoke.

I waited for a moment to see if I would get a reply, but got no response, "Do you want to talk about what is upsetting you?"

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