Chapter 24

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Saturday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Momo and Y/N had breakfast at home before heading out to the mall. Y/N did not tell Momo about the contents of the letter addressed to her like she had promised. Momo was a bit disappointed by this as they were supposed to be truthful with each other but knew that something was happening due to the strange behaviour that Y/N had been exuding since reading the letter.

The two of them were now inside of an electronics store. Momo was not sure why they were even in this store. Y/N had suddenly declared that they were going on a date and dragged Momo to the mall. Momo was obviously content with going with Y/N but was unnerved by the weird behaviour.

Y/N looked at a display with small microphones and hidden cameras that were on display. Momo followed behind as she looked at the other devices on display. She was not an expert on technology and often had to ask Mina for help.

"Hello there," a clerk greeted, "Can I help you with anything?"

Y/N looked up and nodded at the clerk, "Yes. I am looking to buy a small microphone and hidden camera."

The clerk started helping Y/N through the selection that was available. She asked her what her requirements were and helped narrow down the selection. Momo was confused by the terms being thrown between the two of them but pretended to understand everything being said.

Y/N purchased the microphone and hidden camera that was recommended by the clerk. She walked out of the store with Momo following in tow. Momo gabbed Y/N's wrist, stopping the younger woman in her tracks.

Momo asked for an explanation about Y/N's sudden change in behaviour. Y/N let out a chuckle and stated she was ready to explain everything before detailing the contents of the letter. Momo was shocked by what Y/N said and had to verify that she did not mishear anything. Y/N explained that she was just as surprised but had no reason to doubt the letter.

"Well... If you believe the letter then I believe it too," Momo said.

Y/N smiled, "That's good to hear. Should we go for lunch?"

Momo nodded her head with a smile, "Yeah, but you're paying for keeping the contents of the letter a secret from me."

Y/N let out a chuckle, "Alright, sounds good to me."

Saturday Evening: 7:00 P.M

Everyone was sitting around the dinner table eating dinner. They were finally having the lasagna that Momo and Y/N made as there was already too much food prepared last night. Everyone complimented the pair on the quality of the food.

After the group finished eating and cleaning up, Y/N called for a house meeting. She presented the letter that she had received for everyone, including Momo, to read. Everyone had varying reactions but was collectively surprised by what was written.

"Can the sender be trusted?" Jihyo asked.

Y/N nodded her head, "I think so. It's worth investing soon. I will be asking for some of your help."

"Alright, I am in. When should we investigate this?" Tzuyu asked.

"Mo-bearing will be going over to Y/B/N's place tomorrow to provide some cooking tutoring. I will be home since I want to hang out with you unnies, so how about everyone helps out tomorrow with the investigation?" Y/N suggested.

"That sounds like a plan!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"Don't worry Momo," Jeongyeon reassured, "We will keep your girlfriend safe."

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