Chapter 27

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Monday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Momo and Y/N were currently inside of an empty class getting ready to practice cooking. Due to their academic and competition performances, the two of them were allowed to skip classes as they pleased. The couple used this to their advantage and practiced cooking together instead of attending lame lectures.

The two of them used this time to create content for their blog. They recently started live streaming their cooking sessions at the recommendation of Mina who helped set them up. The live streams were met with modest success and many viewers came to not only watch the cooking sessions but also to support the couple's cute interactions.

"What do you want to cook today?" Y/N asked as she looked through the food storage units.

"Can we make jokbal?" Momo asked as she finished setting up their cameras.

Y/N peeked over the food storage unit doors and gave Momo a confused look, "Jokbal? That's pretty unique."

Momo let out a soft chuckle while rubbing the back of head, feeling a little embarrassed, "I don't think I told you this, but jokbal is actually one of my favourite dishes. It's been forever since I've had it since I wanted to try everything else to learn how to cook."

"Well, if you want it then I am willing to give it to you," Y/N replied before ducking her head back down into the food storage units.

"What if I want you?" Momo asked with a visible smirk.

Y/N popped up from the food storage units with pig's trotters in her left hand, "Don't make me throw this at you!" she threatened with blushed cheeks.

Momo started laughing, "Why are you so embarrassed? You act like we haven't done a lot of things together," she teased.

Y/N's blushed cheeks became a few shades darker. She threw the pig's trotters in her hand at Momo like she had threatened. Momo was surprised by this but was able to quickly catch it before it hit her in the face.

"Did you... actually throw this at me?" Momo asked with blinking wide eyes.

Y/N crossed her arms before starting to sulk, "I am not talking to you!"

Momo internally chuckled before placing the pig's trotters on a cutting board that she had prepared. She quickly washed her hands and made her way over to Y/N. She wrapped her arms around the younger woman who was still sulking but did not reject her hug.

"Hey, Princess," Momo softly cooed, "I am sorry for teasing you like that. You know that I only tease you because I love you right?"

Y/N let out a sigh before pouting at Momo, "I know, but I don't like being teased about you know... that kind of thing," she explained with her cheeks becoming blushed again.

Momo internally melted at Y/N's adorable pout, "You need to stop pouting so adorably like that. I won't be able to hold myself back from kissing you."

"Then do it," Y/N replied while staring into Momo's eyes.

"Sorry?" Momo asked, confused.

Y/N bit her lower lip, knowing that Momo could not resist her when she did that, "Prove that you can't hold yourself back from kissing me."

Momo smiled before gently leaning down to lock her lips with Y/N's lips. The two of them closed their eyes and melted into the kiss. Momo moved her hands down to Y/N's waist, while the younger woman hooked her arms around Momo's neck.

Momo gently moved the two of them away from the food storage units and pushed Y/N against the counter. Their makeout session started to become heated as Momo pushed her body closer to Y/N. Momo tried to deepen their kiss, but Y/N fought against it as she wanted to be the dominant one for once. The younger woman quickly succumbed to Momo after finding herself drowning in the older woman's intoxicating scent.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now