Chapter 21

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Monday Morning: 11:00 A.M

Momo's POV

I was thankful that Princess was trying to make me feel better. After the past week and subsequent nightmare, I was at my wit's end. Dancing relieved a lot of my stress and had the added bonus of allowing me to make Princess drool over me.

I felt terrible this morning when Princess and I walked to school. My paranoia returned, but I tried my best to keep it in check for Princess's sake. I told her about the feeling, and she tried her best to reassure me that nothing would happen, but it didn't do anything to ease my concerns.

I went to the library after dropping Princess off at her class. I didn't really want to do anything right now. I rested my head on my bag and closed my eyes for a few moments.

"Hey, Momo-unnie!" someone exclaimed.

I jumped up in surprise, clutching my bag defensively, before realizing that it was just Y/B/N, "Jesus Christ almighty! Stop doing that!" I yelled angrily, causing people to turn and stare at us.

Y/B/N sat down with a dejected look on their face, "I am sorry, unnie. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

I let out a sigh after realizing that I had lost my temper, "Don't be. I am sorry for yelling at you like that. I am on edge even after Princess's successful attempts to relieve some of my stress over the weekend."

Y/B/N gave me a concerned look, "Does she know what has been happening?"

I nodded my head and told Y/B/N about how I had a nightmare over the weekend involving Princess's death. Y/B/N showed even more concern after hearing what I said. Saying everything out loud made me feel even more depressed about the situation.

"Hey now," Y/B/N said softly before leaning forward to place a hand on my shoulder, "I know the situation sounds bad, but don't think that you are alone in this situation. You have me and the other unnies to help you and Y/N."

I gave Y/B/N a small smile, "You're right; everyone is here to support me and Princess. Thank you."

"Don't mention it; it can sometimes be hard to realize these things when we aren't in the right state of mind," Y/B/N replied before removing their hand from my shoulder, "Speaking of which, I was able to get access to the CCTV footage for the library."

My eyes widened in anticipation of good news, "And?"

Y/B/N let out a sigh, "Nothing. The figure was wearing dark clothes, the librarian was always away from her desk, and no one was around when the figure dropped off the envelope. I tried getting more footage from other areas of the school, and it was basically the same situation as the library."

I looked down and let out a dejected sigh, "Thank you for trying."

"Hey, don't let this bad news get you down. I will keep on trying my best to investigate whatever avenue I can think of," Y/B/N said to comfort me, causing me to look up at them and smile, "That's the smile I know Y/N must love to see. Just think about her when you're uncertain of things. Anyways, I gotta go to class."

My eyebrows furrowed after realization hit me, "Wait, you and Princess don't have the same schedule?"

Y/B/N shook their head and let out a sigh, "No, we tried to get the same schedule, but there were a few classes that we ended up being in different sections for."

I nodded my head in understanding, "Alright, thank you for dropping by."

Y/B/N smiled at me, "Any time," they replied before standing up and walking away.

Chef's Ambition (Hirai Momo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now